1 October 2015 Edition
British Ambassador joins Gerry Adams to launch Sinn Féin reconciliation initiative – John Hedges
1 October 2015

‘For all of us with an interest in promoting peace and reconciliation across these islands, ‘Uncomfortable Conversations’ should be required reading’ – British Ambassador to Ireland, Dominick Chilcott Free article
Jo Spain – ‘With Our Blessing’
1 October 2015

HER JUST-RELEASED debut crime novel With Our Blessing is flying off the shelves in the shops. An Phoblacht’s MARK MOLONEY caught up with top Irish author JO SPAIN, not just in the Top Ten in TV’s Richard & Judy “Search for a Bestseller” but a former Sinn Féin Dáil election candidate – and An Phoblacht journalist! Premium service article
Sea, Léiríonn Ceapachán Chorbyn go bhfuil Dhá Shasana Ann
1 October 2015

DÚINNE, Éireannaigh a rugadh is a tóigeadh i Sasana, níl sa tír sin ach tír chiníoch, tir impireachta is tir a chuireann bac roimh fhorbairt an chine dhaonna ar fud na cruinne. Free article
The past – securing truth, accountability and acknowledgement
1 October 2015

THE Stormont House Agreement is a promise to society that we will at last make a concerted effort to deal with our painful past and address outstanding matters for victims of conflict. Free article
‘Business as usual’ at Stormont Unionists fuel another crisis
1 October 2015

WHEN, in 1994, the then leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, Jim Molyneaux responded to the news of the IRA’s cessation of military operations with the remark that the IRA decision “is the greatest threat to the Union in 50 years” and one of the most destabilising events since partition he exposed unionism’s split personality. Premium service article
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Tory war on the welfare state
1 October 2015

WITH A THIRD (33%) of those using the food banks working in low-paid jobs and dependent on family tax credit, Tory claims that only ‘the feckless’ and those who don’t want to work need these charities is exposed for the anti-working-class rhetoric that it is. Premium service article
Time for trade unions to reconsider their links to Labour Party
1 October 2015

CONSTERNATION, bewilderment and anger has been evident among members of SIPTU – and the general public – when a banner endorsing Labour in the European and local elections was hung from Liberty Hall in the centre of Dublin. Free article
Jeremy Corbyn’s election – Upending British politics
1 October 2015

JEREMY CORBYN’S ELECTION as British Labour Party leader was, by almost universal agreement, a political earthquake of historic proportions. Not only did he go from rank outsider to odds-on favourite in the space of a few short months, he did it with an unparalleled majority, with almost 60% of the vote – surpassing even Tony Blair’s vote of 57% when he was elected. And in this election Jeremy Corbyn won more than a quarter of a million votes of members and supporters, with around half a million taking part, winning a majority in every section. Free article
Building a progressive alternative
1 October 2015

FOR THE FIRST TIME in the history of the 26 Counties, the political establishment (the two Civil War parties plus Labour) has been shaken to its core by a mass mobilisation of the citizenry. That the three main parties can no longer rely upon the acquiescence of the majority is clear from a series of opinion polls that put their combined support below 50%, roughly half of what they received 30, 20 or even 10 years ago. Premium service article
Scotland’s RISE – Respect, Independence, Socialism and Environmentalism
1 October 2015

A YEAR ON from Scotland’s independence referendum and the Scottish political landscape looks entirely transformed – both in terms of parliamentary representation and in the awakening of a nation. Premium service article