3 February 2013 Edition
The past, reconciliation and the future of the Peace Process
3 February 2013
A SIMPLISTIC ASSESSMENT of events across the North, and Belfast especially, since the beginning of last December would be to assume nothing has changed. A ‘Groundhog Day’ scenario. That is not the case. Free article
The challenge of uniting Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter
3 February 2013
NATIONAL LIBRARY, Dublin. 10:15am. It’s five days since Gerry Adams launched the campaign with 450 people in Dublin for a Border poll as provided for under the Good Friday Agreement. It’s the day after the Sinn Féin leader attended the funeral in Belfast of trade union and social activist Inez McCormack. Premium service article
Deis dúinne freisin ár leas féin a forbairt
3 February 2013
TÁ FAITÍOS an domhain ar bhunaíocht an stáit seo go bhféadsfaí reifreann a reachtáil sa mBreatain faoi bhallraíocht na tíre sin san Aontas Eorpach. Mar tá gach seans go mbeadh móramh i gcoinne na hEorpa - toradh a chothódh deacrachtaí do dhaoine nár sheas le neamhspleáchas na tíre seo le cianta. Free article
‘To be terrified of your own history is not a good thing’
3 February 2013
ARTISTS need to be noticed but Longford artist SHANE CULLEN hit the headlines nationally in January when Fine Gael councillors tried to have one of his works removed from the Luan Art Gallery in Athlone because they deemed it “offensive” and politically contentious. Premium service article
Why is the Southern Establishment afraid of a Border poll?
3 February 2013
WHILE OPINION POLLS in the South indicate majorities both for Irish unity and for a Border poll as called for by Sinn Féin, the Southern Establishment remains decidedly lukewarm if not downright hostile about the idea. Premium service article
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Má tá Gaeilge agat labhair í
3 February 2013
NÍ LEOR CAINT, ach gníomh a deirtear. Is amhlaidh atá ó thaobh na Gaeilge di. D’fhéadfadh na mílte straitéis, scéim agus polasaí a bheith ann ó thaobh na Gaeilge di, ach muna bhfuil daoine toilteanach ár dteanga dhúchais a úsáid, ní fiú tráithnín iad. Premium service article
Facing up to anti-Irish ‘stealth racism’
3 February 2013
THE Scottish Government has appointed a ‘bigotry czar’. Dr Duncan Morrow, of the School of Criminology, Politics and Social Policy at the University of Ulster, will chair a panel chosen to examine the scale and nature of religious bigotry in Scotland, assess efforts to tackle it and advise ministers on policies and initiatives to combat sectarianism. Dr Morrow is also a former chair of the Community Relations Council in the North of Ireland. Premium service article
Nelson wrong on Housing Executive
3 February 2013
NELSON McCaulsland’s Assembly statement on the future of the Housing Executive has caused a bit of a stir. Much of the debate has focused on whether the minister’s proposals have an underlying sectarian motivation. This is hardly surprising given the reasons for the establishment of the Housing Executive in 1971 and Nelson McCausland’s own dubious record on housing issues in north Belfast for over two decades. Free article
The British Labour Party and Ireland
3 February 2013
THE HISTORY of the British Labour Party and its attitude to Ireland has been one of pride and shame, solidarity and betrayal at different times and among the different political tendencies within that very broad-based party. Free article
Learning about the devastation of Gaza
3 February 2013
DAITHÍ BELL is a Sinn Féin councillor and a teacher in Belfast. Daithí is currently working with the Irish Friends of Palestine Educational Committee on its successful School Twinning Programme and visited Gaza shortly after the most recent Israeli Army invasion. Free article