Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

13 February 2017 Edition

No return to the status quo

13 February 2017

CORRUPTION, SCANDAL, disrespect and bigotry have no place in our society and in our power-sharing institutions. Free article

A new Sinn Féin leader, same old media snark

13 February 2017

THERE IS a sizeable constituency of media ‘republican watchers’. Fascinated by or maybe even politically unnerved by the growth of Sinn Féin’s success, the republican watchers have to report everything through a distorting lens of untruths, innuendo and insinuation. One of the latest examples is the announcement of Michelle O’Neill as the new leader of Sinn Féin in the North while Martin McGuinness deals with a serious illness. Free article

The hollow populism of AAA/PBP

13 February 2017

THE Anti-Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit (AAA/PBP) has set its sights firmly on Sinn Féin, North and South, above all those on the Left who do not agree with their Trotskyist worldview. Free article

Tá stoirm ag teacht

13 February 2017

D’FHREASTAL mé ar chruinniú ar 7 Eanair, i gCumann na Meirleach, Bóthar na bhFál. Cúige Uladh Plus a bhí ann agus thart ar 500 againn i lathair. Ní chruinniú fuarasta a bhí againn os rud é go raibh go leor fearg sa seomra. Is dócha gur meascán de neart gnéithe den straitéis s’againn le roinnt blianta anuas a ba chúis leis an fhearg. Ceart go leor, tháinig achan rud chun tosaigh mar gheall ar an scanal a d’éirigh ón DUP agus RHI, ansin an ‘stunt’ le Líofa ach téann sé i bhfad siar air sin. Free article

‘Our Martin’

13 February 2017

MARTIN McGUINNESS’S contribution to the struggle for Irish freedom and sovereignty for over 40 years has been immeasurable. Free article

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Out of sight, out of mind

13 February 2017

SEÁN BYERS AND I were part of an Irish Congress of Trade Unions delegation to “The Jungle” refugee camp in Calais in September. There we heard stories over and over again of families torn apart, of people losing everything, the dangers facing women and unaccompanied minors, police brutality, and systemic discrimination. Unimaginable suffering, death, despair and uncertainty loomed large over the camp. Free article

We are in the business of taking power

13 February 2017

THE 2017 Annual Feargal O’Hanlon Memorial Lecture took place in Teach na nDaoine in Monaghan town on Sunday 22 January. This year’s lecture, in a series that commenced in 1982, marked the 60th anniversary of the deaths in action of IRA Volunteers Feargal O’Hanlon and Seán South. This year’s speaker was Eoin Ó Broin TD. Special guests included Pádraigín Uí Mhurchadha, sister of Feargal, who was also at the top table. Free article

“An Gaoltacht”

13 February 2017

LABHAIR iar-phroisiúnaigh a bhí páirteach sa “Gaoltacht” – an leasainm a thugtar ar an phobal lán-Ghaeilge a d’eascair sna príosúin i rith thréimhse na coimhlinte – mar gheall ar an seal a chaitheadar ann. Bhí an lucht féachana a bhailigh i Seomra Pháirtí Shinn Féin ‘gafa’ ag an méid a bhí le rá acu i rith na hócáide a bhí eagraithe ag Sinn Féin Ghaeilge. Free article

TK Whitaker - When the legend becomes fact

13 February 2017

THERE’S A LINE in the movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance which goes that when the legend becomes fact, print the legend. Free article

Is marfaí neamhshuim ná naimhdeas ar bith

13 February 2017

TÁ SCÉAl na Gaeilge, agus cearta lucht a labhatha, go mor chun tosaigh anois i bpolaitíocht an Tuaiscirt – mar is ceart é a bheith. Free article

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1