1 December 2015 Edition
The Ticking Clock Dilemma
1 December 2015
I WAS WITH other family members in west Belfast to hear about the current situation with the Stormont House Agreement and how families who lost loved ones during the conflict are yet again abused by the British state. Britain does not want to deal with its past. Free article
The ongoing housing crisis
1 December 2015
Dessie Ellis TD Sinn Féin Housing Spokesperson – Q&A with Mark Moloney Premium service article
Cearta, comhoibriú, agus feachtasaíocht
1 December 2015
TÁ SCÉAL mór á dhéanamh de staid reatha na nGaeltachtaí le tamall fada anuas. Tá tuairisc i ndiaidh tuairisce á cur os ár gcomhair nach bhfuiltear ag éirí le Straitéis 20 Bliain an rialtais ó dheas. Ní rún ar bith é ach an oiread nach bhfuil na páirtithe aontachtacha toilteanach glacadh le hAcht na Gaeilge sa chomhtionol, ó thuaidh. Cé gur aontaíodh Acht Free article
Government blocks Sinn Féin motion on Travellers’ rights
1 December 2015
FINE GAEL AND LABOUR blocked a Dáil motion in November aimed at addressing the discrimination and marginalisation of Travellers in Irish society as well as recognising Irish Travellers as a distinct ethnic group. Travellers are recognised as an ethnic minority in the Six Counties and in Britain. Free article
The Curate’s Egg
1 December 2015
POWER PLAY is bit like the Chinese meal of cliché – there’s a lot of different ingredients, you eat it quickly but, soon after, you feel that your meal hasn’t satisfied your appetite. The author has chosen to tell a fascinating story but, unfortunately, this book lacks both the depth and the analysis to meet its claims that it is a “definitive account” and “deeply insightful”. Premium service article
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‘I’m living proof that diplomatic pressure works’
1 December 2015
Freed Egyptian hunger striker Mohamed Soltan talks to Mark Moloney in Brussels Premium service article
Understanding the causes of the conflict – Eibhlin Glenholmes
1 December 2015
I recall the many dark days as the Northern state sought to silence the campaign for civil rights, inclusion and parity of citizenship Free article
Níl na comhairli saor ó olc ach an oiread
1 December 2015
TÁ COMORADH le déanamh ag an stát ar 1916, ach go drogallach e don chuid is mó. Free article
‘Ghosts’ By P. H. Pearse – Countdown to the 1916 Rising
1 December 2015
BETWEEN DECEMBER 1915 and the end of March 1916, four very significant political essays were written and published by Pádraig Pearse, Director of Organisation of the Irish Volunteers, member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood’s Military Council and future President of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic. Premium service article
Banking Inquiry debacle, an absence of evidence
1 December 2015
IT SEEMS such an obvious point but if you are going to set up an inquiry you should at least ensure it can actually view the evidence. Yet this is what the Fine Gael/Labour Government has failed to do with the issue of Siteserv and IBRC. Free article