7 December 2006 Edition
International: Elections confirm left wing trend across Latin America
7 December 2006
"Long live the revolution. Venezuela is demonstrating that a new and better world is possible, and we are building it." With these words, President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez celebrated his third decisive presidential electoral victory this week since first coming to power in 1998. Free article
Crowe presses Hanafin on education disadvantage
7 December 2006
Seventy thousand children in the 26 Counties attend breakfast clubs every week, which in 2006 will cost the Department of Education _10.4 million. In the same modern Ireland high income earning parents will spend over _120 million on fee paying and grind schools to help their children into university places. Free article
Ecuador - social movements overthrow political elite
7 December 2006
It started in Venezuela, followed by Argentina and Brazil, it happened too in Uruguay and then came Bolivia, and now it is finally the turn of Ecuador. After several botched attempts, including a coup d'etat led by the indigenous movement and part of the army, Ecuadoran social movements have finally managed to get rid of the political elites that for hundreds of years imposed poverty and discrimination against the indigenous and the poor. Free article
Councils must target gaps in electoral register - Crowe
7 December 2006
Speaking last Monday, after a successful weekend electoral registration drive by Sinn Féin in his constituency of Dublin South West, the party's Social Affairs spokesperson Seán Crowe TD said that South Dublin County Council had failed to put in the time, energy and resources to ensure that the register was up to date. Free article
Register To Vote Now - Adams
7 December 2006
Sinn Féin West Belfast MP Gerry Adams has described the disenfranchisement of over 80,000 people from the current electoral register for the north as a 'damning indictment of the registration process' and he has urged 'those who have had their right to vote taken away to challenge the electoral office's decision and register to vote now.' Free article
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Skills training: Successful programme continues
7 December 2006
Last weekend witnessed the second of two women's skills training sessions, organised by Sinn Féin at the Tí Chulainn Cultural Centre in Mullach Bán, County Armagh. Free article
O'Hanlon and Sabhat to be remembered in commemorative booklet
7 December 2006
January 1 2007 will mark the 50th Anniversary of the deaths of IRA Volunteers Feargal O'Hanlon and Seán Sabhat and as part of a series of events to commemorate the men The Feargal O'hAnnluain and Sean Sabhat Commemorative Committee are launching a commemorative booklet. Free article
Towards 2016 - Where to now for the unions?
7 December 2006
Sinn Féin Dublin Trade Union Group hosted a very successful discussion in the Teachers' Club, Parnell Square on the 30 November on the new social partnership agreement, Towards 2016 and where to now for trade unions in the 26 counties. Free article
Nuacht na nOibrithe
7 December 2006
Greencore profits underline case of former sugar workers, Labour Court's Calls for Minimum Wage Increase, Oil Delivery Workers Ballot on Strike Action, Job Losses in Kildare at Magna Donnelly and Gate Gourmet move described by union as "sinister" Free article
Capt. Michael McVerry Commemorated
7 December 2006
The 33rd Anniversary of Volunteer Capt. Michael, McVerry who was killed in action during an attack on Keady barracks in 1973, was marked on 13 November 2006. Capt. Michael McVerry was born in the Cargie, Cullyhanna and at a young age joined Óglaigh na hÉireann to right the wrongs perpetrated by the British forces on the streets of Ireland. Free article