Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

7 December 2006 Edition

Collusion Report: 'Clear picture' of British/loyalist collaboration

7 December 2006

Widespread collusion between British state forces and unionist paramilitary death squads was behind many, if not all, of a string of gun and bomb attacks on both sides of the border that resulted in the deaths of 18 people during the mid-1970s. That was the conclusive finding of an Oireachtas committee report published on Wednesday, 29 November. Free article

Budget - some positive measures but fails to deliver more equal Ireland

7 December 2006

Sinn Féin Dáil leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD, responding to Minster Cowen's speech on the Budget on Wednesday evening in the Dáil, while welcoming a number of his proposals, said that "He had the opportunity and the resources to lift many citizens out of poverty but stopped far short of what was possible and what was required. Deputy Ó Caoláin went on to argue that the Minister could have done much more had he had the political will do so. Free article

Stormont: Unionists encouraged to take example of United Irishmen

7 December 2006

The Six County Assembly last Monday discussed a UUP motion condemning interference by British Direct Ruler, Peter Hain in the running of the Assembly, with particular reference to events at Stormont on Friday, 24 November. A Sinn Féin amendment sought to widen the scope of the amendment to cover all interference in the Assembly. Free article

Kasrils explores issues around truth recovery

7 December 2006

South African government minister Ronnie Kasrils met with a group of people involved in the area of truth recovery, collusion and dealing with the past when he visited West Belfast this week. Free article


Hunger Strike 25th Anniversary Concert: Fitting finale to year of remembrance

7 December 2006

Cuban Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency Noell Carrillo, was given a rapturous welcome by those attending last Saturday's concert in Dublin organised by the 1981 Hunger Strike 25th Anniversary Committee. Free article

Hospital protests: Ó Caoláin challenged Fianna Fáil TDs

7 December 2006

Ahead of a mass demonstration at Leinster House last Tuesday, opposing the proposed further downgrading of Monaghan Hospital, Sinn Féin Health spokesperson Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD challenged Fianna Fáil TDs to show "whether they stand with the people of Monaghan, or whether they stand with Mary Harney, Brendan Drumm and the faceless bureaucrats of the HSE". Free article

Holiday arrangements

7 December 2006

The last An Phoblacht of 2006 will be published on 14 December. This will be our bumper 32-page Christmas issue. Free article

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1