7 December 2006 Edition
Interview: Ann O'Sullivan, Sinn Féin POW Department
7 December 2006
For republicans, December is traditionally prisoners' month. This year there are republican prisoners in three jails across Ireland. Ann O'Sullivan, 26 County spokesperson for Sinn Féin's POW Department spoke to ELLA O'DWYER about the circumstances of the prisoners, their families and the importance of demonstrating solidarity, especially at Christmas. Free article
Kasrils visit: The ANC and the transition from racist state to democracy
7 December 2006
Senior ANC leader Ronnie Kasrils, who is also a South African Government Minister, spoke of the transition from a racist state to democracy when he visited Belfast on 4 December. Free article
The Mitchel McLaughlin Column
7 December 2006
The Irish government should redouble its efforts to build an all-Ireland economy by drawing up plans for cross border integration in all aspects of commercial and social development. It should direct its energies and influences towards also convincing the British government that the future lies in economic policies specifically for the island of Ireland detached from British Exchequer policies designed for the fiscal stability of the island of Britain. If Irish economic development is to reach its full potential in a programmed and managed manner then what is required is co-operation and integrated planning between the Finance Ministers North and South pending eventual economic and political re-integration. Free article
Léirmheas ar na Léinte Gorma
7 December 2006
Ar Oíche Máirt seo caite, chraolaigh RTÉ clár faisnéise beathaisnéise faoi Eoin O'Duffy - duine ar cheannaire faisísteach na Léite Gorma agus ar bhunaitheoir Fhine Gael dó. Bhí sé suimiúil i gcónaí le feiceáil cén chineál casadh ar an scéal a raibh RTÉ chun chur ar an bpearsanta conspóideach a bhí in O'Duffy. Agus níl aon amhras ach go bhfuil dream an tSaorstáit míchompordach leis an stair a ghabhann le hEoin O'Duffy. B'fhiú a chuimhniú go raibh an deacracht le fada an lá ag lucht cumhachta agus léinn oifigiúla na tíre glacadh go hoifigiúil gur faisísteach a bhí in Eoin O'Duffy. Free article
7 December 2006
Enemy of the Empire , By Eamon McGuire, Published By O'Brien Press, Price €11.95 Free article
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Cúlchaint le Seán ó Donaile
7 December 2006
Maidin ghruama le scamaill dhubha sa spéir agus bhí orainn éirí ag cúig a chlog ar maidin agus tiomáint inár jíp le teas agus cappuccino thar bhóithre na banríona go Free article
Media View By Frank Farrell
7 December 2006
Sometimes media prejudice is more blatant in its omission than its commission. The findings of an Oireachtas Sub Committee Report into British collusion with loyalist assassins in the murder of 18 people on both sides of the border - perhaps the most significant and staggering finding by any official body in the last 30 years - has been met with a mute indifference that screams collaboration with and support for state sanctioned murder louder than any words this column can find. Free article
Letter to the Taoiseach By Barry McElduff
7 December 2006
I hosted five visitors to Stormont Parliament Buildings last Tuesday, 28 November. It's not really a Parliament but I'll push that issue to the one side for the moment in the interests of 'the big picture'. Free article
Matt Treacy Column
7 December 2006
When you are sitting up half the night waiting for the Christmas pudding to be done, you need something to keep you occupied and focused. It also provides plenty of time to think and thus it was that I considered, and rejected, Ciara's proposal that we devote ourselves full time to the production of puddings. Free article