8 September 2005 Edition
In Brief - Unionist violence
8 September 2005
Milltown graves desecrated - Sinister posters in Ahoghill - Unionists heighten tension on Springfield Road Free article
The World Today - US blocks UN reform
8 September 2005
At the end of August, delegations representing the 191 member states of the United Nations initiated final negotiations to put together a framework document on the possible reforms to be faced by this organisation and that will be discussed by the UN Assembly General in the next few days. For the last six months, there have been proposals and contacts but, when the process is reaching its final stages, the United States, via its new UN ambassador, John Bolton, is doing its utmost to subvert the negotiation process. Free article
In Brief - Ógra and Commemorations
8 September 2005
Ógra saves 16 Moore Street - Waterford Ógra hosts events - Large turnout expected for Strabane commemoration events Free article
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Gerry Adams welcomes announcement on combating suicide
8 September 2005
Sinn Féin West Belfast MP Gerry Adams has given a cautious and very qualified welcome to the imminent announcement by the Health Service Executive that it intends establishing an office to tackle the growing problem of suicide. The announcement is part of a ten-year strategy by the Dublin Government on suicide prevention which will be published later this week. Free article
Paras court martial opens
8 September 2005
On the very day that the Article 7 - End Impunity Campaign was launched, seven serving and former British paratroopers appeared before a court martial accused of the torture and murder of Iraqi civilians. They are Private Daniel Harding, Private Scott Jackson and Private Roberto Di-Gregorio, formerly of the 3rd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment, and Private Billy Nerney, Private Samuel May, Private Morné Vosloo and Corporal Scott Evans. All deny charges of murder and violent disorder. Free article
School costs are crippling low-income families
8 September 2005
As the new school year begins, Donegal Sinn Féin Councillor Pearse Doherty says the government must address the costs associated of sending children to school, which is a major worry and burden to many parents of low-income families. Free article
Unionists walk out on missionary priest motion
8 September 2005
Sinn Féin Councillor Bernice Swift and party colleague Poilin Uí Cathain took the initiative in proposing a motion at Monday night's Fermanagh District Council Meeting in support of Father Gabriel Dolan, who is facing charges after his recent protest in Kitale, Kenya, demanding the repossession of grabbed land. Free article
Sinn Féin attempt to oust GAMA from Castleblayney By-pass
8 September 2005
A Sinn Féin motion at Monday's meeting of Monaghan County Council which sought to revoke the contract awarded to GAMA to develop the Castleblayney By-pass was rejected by the combined votes of the Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael members. Free article