Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

30 April 2018 Edition

The Republican voice will be heard

30 April 2018

Fáilte Mór to the readers of the new An Phoblacht magazine and the latest episode in the development of an alternative republican voice. With An Phoblacht online and on Twitter and Facebook the quarterly magazine will be a longer read and a complementary publication to the daily An Phoblacht on your smartphone or desktop. Free article

Uachtarán Shinn Féin - Mary Lou McDonald

30 April 2018

NEW LEADER NEW DYNAMIC - Mary Lou McDonald speaks about leading Sinn Féin into government north and south Free article

Exploring the legacy of Martin Mcguinness

30 April 2018

Our great friend and leader Martin McGuinness left us on March 21st last year. Gerry Adams looks at Martin’s life and his efforts to build a new Ireland based on equality, peace and reconciliation. Free article

Fiachra McGuinness speaks one year on...

30 April 2018

“In a way we are also lucky that we can take great pride on what he achieved during his lifetime. He was a massive figure in Irish politics and helped to transform this society so that our children are growing up in a better place than he did. That, to me, is the greatest achievement of all – to give that gift to future generations.” - Fiachra McGuinness Free article

Make no mistake, Irish unity is upon us

30 April 2018

Irish unity is now set as a medium-term probability. Even the most objective analyst would now question how and why Northern Ireland can endure Free article

A socially just Europe is possible

30 April 2018

Journalist, author and film-maker Paul Mason explores the EU project and its many facets. Free article

Why we must repeal the 8th amendment

30 April 2018

The 8th Amendment was put into the Constitution in 1983. This year Sinn Féin will be campaigning for its repeal in the upcoming referendum. Published March 2018 Free article


Bring on the Productive Economy

30 April 2018

Too many people on the Left treat the economic debate as an extension of the budget – arguing for increased public expenditure here, increased taxation there, and ranking resources in order of priorities. While these arguments need to be made and won, the economy is not a function of budgetary options. If we are to enter into and eventually lead the economic debate we must promote the long-term sustainable growth of the productive economy – that space where people produce goods and services that other people want to buy or need. Free article

Social progress in Ireland has far to go

30 April 2018

As well as sexism and misogyny, class bigotry has always been a dominating feature of the Irish state, and it is this bigotry that has perhaps been challenged least in recent years. Free article

Trí gháir ar chnoc

30 April 2018

Thug an Comhalta Máirtín Ó Muilleoir an óráid seo in Craigavon ar 14 Márta 2018, agus é ag seoladh go hoifigiúil Polasaí Gaeilge Shinn Féin. Free article

Postcards from a New Republic

30 April 2018

‘Postcards from the New Republic’ is a hat tip to British designer, artist, entrepreneur and Socialist William Morris’ News from Nowhere series of articles from 1890 published in the Commonweal, the newspaper of the Socialist League and set in a distant future where Morris’ socialist, and romantic, utopia has been secured. Our story’s protagonists are Willa Ní Chuairteoir and Lucy Byrne accompanied by their four children James, Afric, Banba and Alroy who together enjoy and endure the equity and exigency of the future’s New Republic. Free article

The Conscription Crisis of 1918

30 April 2018

Between the 1916 Rising and the December 1918 General Election the biggest crisis faced by the British government in Ireland and the most seismic shift in Irish politics was the confrontation provoked by the attempt to impose conscription – compulsory service in the British Army by men of military age in Ireland. Free article

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1