23 August 2007 Edition
McLaughlin welcomes Aer Lingus dialogue
23 August 2007
Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Mitchel McLaughlin has welcomed the unconditional dialogue planned for Aer Lingus officials and pilots facilitated by the Labour Relations Commission and has re-iterated his call for pay parity on the island of Ireland. Free article
Irish Language : Open up the debate
23 August 2007
Unionists have nothing to fear from Irish language legislation. That was the message Sinn Féin MLA and spokesperson on language and culture, Francie Brolly wanted to convey when he spoke to An Phoblacht about recent controversy around a proposed Irish language bill in the North. Free article
Government must take urgent action
23 August 2007
What is the big deal about Aer Lingus pulling the profitable air route from Shannon to London Heathrow? Why such a fuss? It is only one route and sure hasn't the Mid-West still got Ryanair connections to London? And therein lies the problem. Those opposed to the Aer Lingus decision have been invariably described as "whingers" and "exaggerators" by several media and government commentators. Simply put, the Shannon-Heathrow route is an essential part of the infrastructure for maintaining the economic wellbeing of the entire Mid West and indeed most of the western region. Therefore perhaps the most frustrating aspect of the ongoing controversy over the loss of Shannon's Heathrow link is the failure among commentators on the east coast to grasp the gravity of the situation. Free article
Ógra launches housing campaign
23 August 2007
Last Thursday, 16 August Ógra Shinn Féin launched throughout Dublin its campaign to highlight the vast quantity of housing opportunities left unused in the city whilst tens of thousands of people, with more every year, are in need of suitable affordable housing. Free article
Department kept Community in the dark over Barracks site decision
23 August 2007
Sinn Féin MLA Paul Maskey has said that there is now compelling evidence that the Department of Social Development in the Six Counties failed its own test for consultation before a decision was made by Minister Margaret Ritchie to hand the site of the old Andersonstown RUC barracks over to a private developer. Free article
Seachtain san Aifric Theas
23 August 2007
Chaith mé féin, Bairbre de Brún agus Réamonn Mac Cartnaigh seachtain san Aifric Theas ar tionóil fá "conflict resolution"ag tús na míosa. D'fhan muid taobh amuigh de Cape Town, cathair galánta i dtír galánta B'fhéidir go labaharfaidh mé fán cheist sin "conflict resolution" am éigin eile ach anseo ba mhaith liom labhairt fán tír agus an oidhreacht a d'fhág cinedeighilt ina dhiaidh. Free article