Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

11 April 2016 Edition

NAMA jewel thieves go free

11 April 2016

‘VULTURES’ AND ‘PEOPLE’ are the two words you won’t find on the website of the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA). Yet, as NAMA enters the final years of operations, these are the key terms many are using to describe its impacts. The vultures are circling, and the last group considered in the agency’s operations are the Irish people. Premium service article

Tithíocht stáit an t-aon leigheas ar an bhfadhb!

11 April 2016

MÁS MALL is mithid mar sin fhéin go n-aithnítear anois go bhfuil géarchéim tithíochta againn sa stát seo. Ar ndóigh níl aon réiteach ar an bhfadhb seo ag páirtithe na Bunaíochta – Fine Gael/Labour nó Fianna Fáil; ach ar a laghad ar bith tá díospóireacht ann faoin bhfadhb is faoina leigheasanna a d’fhéadfadh a chur i bhféidhm. Free article

Réalta an Phoblachtánachais

11 April 2016

OIDEACHAS ann féin é dul thar sáile i gcomhair comórthaí na Cásca. Bhí de phribhléíd agamsa dul go San Franciscoi mbliana agus fad is a bhí mé ann d’fhoghlaim mé faoi bheirt laoch poblachtánach a bhféadfaí ‘Blockbuster’ den chéad scoth a dhéanamh as na scéalta a bhaineann leo, ach muintir Hollywood a fháil ar bord! Free article

Unprecedented delivery by Sinn Féin in Assembly

11 April 2016

THE LAST FIVE YEARS of the Assembly at Stormont have been characterised by intense periods of headline-grabbing negotiations and less-publicised rates of unprecedented delivery. Free article

United Ireland economically beneficial to North and South

11 April 2016

SIGNIFICANT long-term improvement in the economies of both the North of Ireland and the South would result from unification, a major international economic study has found. Premium service article

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Cad is Scéim Teanga ann?

11 April 2016

Ó CUIREADH Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla i bhfeidhm sa bhliain 2003, tá iachaill ar gach eagraíocht phoiblí Scéim Teanga a chur le chéile agus a shocrú leis an Roinn Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta i gcomhoibriú leis an gCoimisinéir Teanga. Beartas iontach gan amhras, ach conas atá ag éirí le cur i bhfeidhm na scéimeanna iúd? An ceapa páipéir amháin iad nó an bhfuil beart de réir briathar mar dlúthchuid den choincheap? An bhfuil tú sásta leis an scéim reatha i do chontae-sa? An raibh a fhios agat go raibh scéim ann fiú?  Free article

The Left needs to build a united front for the future

11 April 2016

WHILE the official political process stagnated into a phony war, with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael getting involved in “negotiations” with Independents and minor parties that everyone knows can’t produce a government, the important task is to try and build a genuine alternative to the exploitative system that has caused (and continues to cause) so much misery. Free article

Lest we forget: Embracing the opportunity presented by a shared history – Kingsley Donaldson

11 April 2016

THE YEARS between 1912 and 1923 saw major transformation in Ireland. The evolution and militarisation of the Ulster Volunteer Force and the Irish Volunteers, the First World War, the Easter Rising, the War of Independence, the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the subsequent Civil War all still resonate to great extent today in the politics of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It was both a violent and fascinating period in Irish history. Free article

Collusion at the heart of Cappagh killings

11 April 2016

THE LONG-HELD BELIEF among nationalists living in the east Tyrone area that the locally-recruited Ulster Defence Regiment of the British Army was involved in killings claimed by unionist death squads has been reinforced by the findings of the recently-published report, Collusion in Cappagh Killings. Free article

Collusion at the heart of Cappagh killings

11 April 2016

THE LONG-HELD BELIEF among nationalists living in the east Tyrone area that the locally-recruited Ulster Defence Regiment of the British Army was involved in killings claimed by unionist death squads has been reinforced by the findings of the recently-published report, Collusion in Cappagh Killings. Free article

An Phoblacht
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