16 September 2004 Edition
Mass Rally in Brussels for Democracy in Iran
16 September 2004
Tens of thousands of Iranian exiles converged on the European capital Brussels on Monday 13 September in a mass protest against the ruling clerical regime in Iran and the European Union's inaction against that regime. The rally was organized by supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a coaliti Free article
Putin seizes more power: Chechnya human rights abuses mount
16 September 2004
On Monday 13 September, President Vladimir Putin ordered a drastic change of the way Russia is run. The bloody conclusion to the siege in Beslan is the excuse used by Putin to strengthen central government control on the "autonomous" governments of the Russian Federation member states. Free article
Leaked housing report blames developers and government
16 September 2004
Leaks this week from an unpublished National Economic and Social Council (NESC) report show that new Irish homeowners are borrowing from family members to pay for deposits on house purchases while 35% of new dwellings built in the 26 Counties are being bought as second homes usually for investment purchases. The report's writers are divided on new proposals for taxing developers and builders profits Free article
West Belfast to boycott Israeli goods: 22nd anniversary of Sabra and Chatila massacres
16 September 2004
Local community groups in West Belfast have rallied to a call from the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign to support the boycott of Israeli goods, currently on sale in local supermarkets. Free article
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Air Ambulance would save lives in Border region
16 September 2004
Sinn Féin Cavan/Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin and Fermanagh/South Tyrone MP Michelle Gildernew have welcomed the announcement of plans to redevelop St. Angelo Airport at Enniskillen in Co. Fermanagh. Free article
Anti-collusion protest blockades Strabane PSNI
16 September 2004
Over 100 anti-collusion protesters blocked the gates of Strabane PSNI barracks on Saturday 11th September demanding that the British government comes clean on its policy of collusion with loyalists. Free article
MLA and TD to raise TCD discrimination
16 September 2004
Last week Trinity College Dublin, without any prior consultation with their feeder schools and college counterparts in the Six Counties, circulated a letter to schools announcing that students seeking admission to TCD to study law and medicine, would, for this academic year 2004-2005, require results in four A-levels, instead of the normal three. Free article
Limerick school exclusion slammed
16 September 2004
Sinn Féin in Limerick has welcomed the intervention of Education Minister Noel Dempsey in the ongoing crisis in relation to secondary school places in the City. Party representative Maurice Quinlivan said he "hoped this will see this ongoing problem resolved and it will not occur again next year. Free article
Big crowd at opening of Mid-Ulster Republican Centre
16 September 2004
Over 1,000 republicans from across Counties Derry, Antrim and Tyrone attended the official opening of Ionad Poblachtach Lár Uladh - Mid Ulster Republican Centre at Gulladuff on last Sunday evening. Free article