Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

6 March 2008 Edition

Ian Paisley to resign in May

6 March 2008

IAN PAISLEY announced on Tuesday that he is to retire in May as First Minister in the North's Executive. Free article

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2008 : Presidential Address by Gerry Adams MP, MLA

6 March 2008

BELOW we reprint an edited version of the Presidential Address delivered by Gerry Adams MP, MLA to the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis at the RDS in Dublin on Saturday, 1 March. Free article

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2008 : Irish Unity and the Peace Process

6 March 2008

IN WHAT may well prove to be the most significant but least-reported decisions of the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis, delegates unanimously adopted an Ard Chomhairle motion committing the party to produce a 'Road Map to Irish Unity'. The motion recalled the landmark document Towards A Lasting Peace in Ireland of 1992 which was a precursor to the Peace Process. Now the party is committed to produce "an updated strategy to make partition history". Free article

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2008 : Justice, Policing and Community Safety

6 March 2008

POLICING SPOKEPERSON in the Six Counties, Junior Minister Gerry Kelly, told delegates not to lose their nerve on the big issue of devolving policing and justice powers to the Six-County Executive. Free article


Gibraltar Three 20th anniversary

6 March 2008

WHEN IRA Volunteers Mairéad Farrell, Dan McCann and Seán Savage went to the Rock of Gibraltar in March 1988 they were there to launch an operation against the British crown forces. The British knew the Volunteers' plans and ambushed them. SAS death squads gunned down the trio, who they knew to be unarmed. Free article

'The Two Brendans' remembered

6 March 2008

THE 20th annual commemoration of Volunteers Brendan Burns and Brendan Moley was held in South Armagh on Friday, 29 February. Free article

An Phoblacht
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