20 December 2007 Edition
Government uses emergency bill to rubber-stamp co-location
20 December 2007
THE Fianna Fáil/PD/Green Party Government rushed a Bill through the Dáil this week ostensibly to plug a legal loophole but to give legal backing to the notorious private for-profit hospital co-location plan. Free article
Remember republican prisoners this Christmas
20 December 2007
For republicans, December is traditionally prisoners' month. Unfortunately this year is no different as there are republicans languishing in three septate jails across Ireland. Free article
Economic progress requires all-Ireland approach
20 December 2007
THE British Government has rejected calls to bring the North's corporation tax rate into line with that of the 26 Counties. Free article
Mary Lou tells EU leaders: 'Let Ireland get on with our own referendum'
20 December 2007
MARY LOU McDonald stood up in the European Parliament this week and told fellow MEPs to let the Irish people get on with their own referendum on the EU Treaty. Free article
Adams condemns attacks on Orange halls
20 December 2007
SINN FÉIN President Gerry Adams MP has condemned the recent arson attacks on Orange Halls and has called for them to end. Free article
School water charges idea must be abandoned
20 December 2007
A government climbdown this week on water charges for schools in the 26 Counties will merely result in a two-year exemption. Free article
Cruinniú ag Adams le Ó Cuív faoi Acht Gaeilge
20 December 2007
BHUAIL Gearóid Mac Ádhaimh agus toscaireacht ó Shinn Féin, Francie Brolly MLA agus Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD san áireamh, le hAire na Gaeltachta, Éamon Ó Cuív Déardaoin, 13 Nollaig. Free article
Attack on schoolboy part of sectarian campaign
20 December 2007
A sectarian attack on a schoolboy in the Country Antrim village of Stoneyford has been linked to ongoing intimidation of a Catholic family in the area. Free article
Unionist paramilitaries continue to target GAA
20 December 2007
The unionist paramilitary campaign against GAA clubs in the North continued last week with a pipe bomb attack at a Gaelic football pitch in County Down. A viable pipe bomb was discovered at Ballela GAA club near Banbridge following a telephoned warning. Free article
World leaders must redouble efforts on climate change - de Brún
20 December 2007
SINN FÉIN MEP Bairbre de Brún has welcomed the fact that a framework has been set out at the Bali climate conference on a future regime to combat climate change post-2012 but has expressed disappointment that more concrete targets were not agreed at this point. Free article