2 June 2014 Edition
Big post-election questions for political unionism
2 June 2014

THE European and local election campaigns in the North took place against the previous 22 months of impasse in the political process and instability on the ground. The agenda for political unionism has been set throughout by Orange and unionist extremists, and that has resulted in both the Democratic Unionist Party and the Ulster Unionist Party failing to unambiguously support power-sharing and partnership government. Free article
Media reaction
2 June 2014

THE HEADLINES said “Sinn Féin surge ahead”; “Sinn Féin reign”; “Shinners sweep the capital”; “The arrival of Sinn Féin as a genuine heavyweight”; “Huge swing to Sinn Féin”. We could go on with the superlatives used in news headlines over the first three days of vote counting in the EU and local elections but . . . we would be missing an important point. Free article
Buaiteoirí agus caillteoirí – tábhacht na polaitíochta don phobal
2 June 2014

BHÍ IDIR gáire agus caoineadh le cloisteáil ar fud na tíre, agus ar fud na hEorpa is dócha le déanaí agus na vótaí dhá gcomhaireamh ó na toghcháin áitiúla, fo-thoghcháin agus toghcháin na hEorpa. Cuma cén toradh a bhíonn ar na ballóidí éagsúla, aithníonn an chuid is mó den phobal an mhisneach a thógann sé d’aon duine iad féin a chur os comhair an phobail i dtoghchán ar bith. Free article
Indo’s anti-republican type
2 June 2014

WE CAN ONLY IMAGINE the scene at the Irish Independent’s headquarters on Saturday 24 May as news broke of a seismic shift in the political landscape in the 26 Counties. Free article
No place like home – or no home for north Belfast Catholics
2 June 2014

LAUNCHING a scathing attack on Executive Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland over housing allocation in north Belfast Sinn Féin MLA Carál Ní Chuilín accused the senior DUP man of “gerrymandering”. Premium service article
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‘Let Dublin Vote’
2 June 2014

THE ‘Let Dublin Vote’ campaign has been set up by a group of young (and not so young) Dubliners frustrated at the process established by Environment Minister Phil Hogan to allow for the direct election of a Mayor for the greater Dublin area. Free article
UVF behind racist rampages
2 June 2014

THE UPSURGE in racist attacks on people from ethnic minority groups, their homes and property throughout the North, but centred mostly in Belfast, has re-focused peoples minds on previous periods of intense racial violence and raises questions about the rationale for these ‘hate crimes’. Premium service article
A case for genuine police reform
2 June 2014

THE RESIGNATION of Justice Minister Alan Shatter after two years of scandal within his Department is welcome but unless there is fundamental and radical reform within the Department of Justice this is the political equivalent of replacing the captain on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg and had already started sinking. Premium service article
Put yourselves in the shoes of others
2 June 2014

Rev Steve Stockman and Fr Martin J Magill write in our series ‘Uncomfortable Conversations’ Free article
Political prisoners, not terrorists
2 June 2014

THE Irish launch of the International Campaign for the Freedom of Marwan Barghouthi and all Palestinian Prisoners came to Ireland in May. Free article