25 May 2023 Edition
British and Irish Governments must act

25 May 2023
It is often the case that the news media latch onto a word or a phrase, and it becomes repeated across TV, radio, online, and in print. It is frequently an attempt to describe complex social and political events with a term that implies that journalists and the organisations they belong to can impart the core understanding of a specific moment in time. Free article
Sinn Féin is leading change across Ireland
25 May 2023

“A monumental result for Sinn Féin’s positive and progressive platform”, was how Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald framed May’s local election success. The party repeated last year’s Assembly election performance and were once again the largest party in the Six Counties. Free article
Sinn Féin is leading historic change
25 May 2023

With 144 councillors elected, Sinn Féin has made breakthroughs in areas right across the North. Here is a list of those elected across ten councils. Free article
The voters have spoken
25 May 2023

The largest amount of first preferences at 30.7%, the largest number of councillors at 144, an increase of 39 seats on 2019. A 7.7% increase in vote share since the last local elections. These were just some of the firsts achieved by Sinn Féin in the 2023 local elections. Free article
The power of democracy in snow and rain
25 May 2023

Since last December’s selection conventions, Jemma Dolan, Fermanagh and South Tyrone MLA and the constituency team have been knocking doors and campaigning for the May local elections Free article
What happened in Belfast might just follow in Dublin
25 May 2023

Dublin City councillor Daithí Doolan was one of hundreds of Sinn Féin activists who travelled North to canvas in advance of last week’s Six County local elections. Here, he puts a context on the many weekends Sinn Féin members gave up to help the election work across the border. Free article
Clear and loud frustration on the doorsteps
25 May 2023

East Derry MLA Caoimhe Archibald was on the campaign trail in East Derry and reports back on the message from the doorsteps and communities across the constituency. Free article
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The patchwork Coalition is tattered after three years
25 May 2023

It is hard to believe it is only three years since Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, and the Green Party cobbled together their Coalition government in June 2020. Free article
The people’s voice is paramount in shaping our shared future
25 May 2023

Sinn Féin’s Commission on a United Ireland has held four public people’s assemblies. Emma McArdle reviews the progress so far and considers the planning, preparation and foresight needed in building the new, shared and equitable Ireland. Free article
Our children still envision a free Palestine
25 May 2023

Dr Jilan Wahba Abdalmajid, Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Ireland, marks the 75th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, explaining how the Palestinian people’s “struggle for freedom and self-determination will continue” and that “our children and our grandchildren will never give up on our right of return”. Free article
Military neutrality crucial to Ireland’s international roles
25 May 2023

Ireland’s neutrality has had a heightened media focus this year, as Irish society grapples with the impact of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and the coalition government continues to undermine both the state’s defence capabilities and the ‘triple lock’ mechanism for sanctioning peacekeeping missions. Matt Carthy outlines the Sinn Féin position. Free article
A mentor in momentous times
25 May 2023

I got to know Rita shortly after I joined Sinn Féin in the late 1980s. I think I was 19, having just returned from a year in London. Rita was editor of An Phoblacht/Republican News (AP/RN) at the time, but I knew her as a member of Dún Laoghaire Sinn Féin. We would often travel together to cumann meetings in Mountown in the back of Kevin Fitzpatrick’s milk van! Free article
Ár Seacht nDícheall don Ghaeilge
25 May 2023

Aengus Ó Snodaigh sets out ambitious seven point policy for promoting Irish in the public sphere Free article