Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

23 February 2006 Edition


23 February 2006

Speaking at the 2006 Ard Fheis Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams outlines five strategic challenges for Sinn Féin Free article

Political exclusion: Republicans also have a veto

23 February 2006

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams described an attempt to exclude Sinn Féin from round-table political talks as stupid and naïve. Free article

Sinn Féin move to for increased protection and enforcement of workers' rights

23 February 2006

Sinn Féin used Dáil Private Members time this week to demand the establishment of a stand alone Department of Labour Affairs and to argue for increased protection and enforcement of workers' rights. Free article

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2006 HEALTH

23 February 2006

In a significant development the Ard Fheis adopted a comprehensive health policy document, Healthcare in an Ireland of Equals, outlining Sinn Féin's vision of a health service based on need and not wealth and which is free on point of delivery. Free article

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2006 ELECTORAL STRATEGY

23 February 2006

Discussion of electoral strategy was dominated by a lively debate on the issue of coalition in the 26 Counties. There were motions calling on the option to be ruled out entirely and another committing the party to already existing policy, namely that a special delegate conference would be required to consider the issue. Free article

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2006 ECONOMY

23 February 2006

The Ard Fheis debate on the economy and natural resources was dominated by two themes - the launch of the new party enterprise policy, entitled A Strong Economy for an Ireland of Equals, and an address by Micheal ó Seighin, one of the Rossport 5. Free article

West Belfast rejects asbestos storage plant

23 February 2006

Over 100 anti-asbestos campaigners gathered outside the headquarters of the Grove Services Group (GSG) in Blackstaff Way last Wednesday 15 February to protest against the company's plans to build a storage plant for the deadly material in the heart of West Belfast. Free article

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UDA murders: Violence ignored by unionists and media

23 February 2006

"Unionist politicians are ignoring the daily violence being carried out unionist paramilitaries," says Sinn Féin's South Belfast Assembly member Alex Maskey. Free article

Greysteele killer Paid by PSNI

23 February 2006

The revelation that convicted Greysteele killer Torrens Knight was a Special Branch agent being paid £50,000 a year by his Special Branch handlers after his release from prison has again exposed the British collusion with unionist paramilitaries. Free article

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2006 EDUCATION

23 February 2006

Two strong themes ran through the Ard Fheis debate on education. The first was a condemnation of the two-tier, discriminatory education systems in Ireland today, against a vision of education as a tool of liberation. The second was the initiation of an inspirational new cultural programme, for the re-conquest of Ireland through a campaign for the revival of the Irish Language. Free article

Services Directive Passed

23 February 2006

The revised Directive makes it impossible for a democratically-elected Irish government to protect and defend the rights of the consumers and workers living in Ireland, if it wished to do so. Free article

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2006 PEACE PROCESS

23 February 2006

Sinn Féin's Ard Fheis 2006 opened on Friday evening with debate on the Peace Process included motions on a range of issues from demilitarisation to ongoing attempts to resolve difficulties surrounding Orange marches. Free article

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