24 November 2022 Edition
Together, we seize the day
24 November 2022

“On the threshold of a new era”. With the historic Dáil and Assembly elections of 2020 and 2022 respectively Sinn Féin has established itself as the political party with the largest electoral support in Ireland. This year’s Sinn Féin Ard Fheis culminated in the presidential address of Mary Lou McDonald. We carry here the full text of Mary Lou’s address to the Sinn Féin delegates Free article
I will work for all citizens and for all communities
24 November 2022

Sinn Féin Leas Uachtarán Michelle O’Neill’s speech to Ard Fheis 2022 included not just a commitment to work for all voters as First Minister but also a pledge to make politics work for everyone and to “lead an agenda for change through partnership, not division”. Free article
We must dare to win!
24 November 2022

Below we carry an edited version of the Ard Fheis adresss by South Down MP Chris Hazzard. He sets out the case for an anti-imperialist, socialist transformation of Ireland Free article
The spirit of our movement
24 November 2022

Sinn Féin Ard Fheiseanna have always been a personal highlight of party membership. An interesting weekend of political discussion and an opportunity to create new and dynamic policies, whilst also catching up with comrades from across the country and cementing friendships for life. Free article
Ard Fheis 2022: 'Táimid chun an tír seo s’againne a athrú!'
24 November 2022

Tús maith, leath na hoibre. Tús luath a bhí ann domsa toisc go raibh orm ullmhú don chúram nua a bronnadh orm ag Ard Fheis 2022: Don chéad uair riamh i stair na polaitíochta in Éirinn is cosúil, bhí ardfheis náisiúnta le bheith craolta ina iomlán le tráchtaireacht bheo ar líne. Mar leathbhádóir liom don lá, bhí Sinéad gealgháireach, spleodrach Ní Bhroin, a bhíonns ag obair liom i dTeach Laighean, agus sular thosaigh an díospóireacht d’fhear muid fáilte roimh an lucht féachana sa bhaile agus thar lear go fíorúil RDS Bhaile Átha Cliath. Free article
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A powerful leader’s address
24 November 2022

As I arrived at the RDS, I felt there was a great buzz around the place as people milled around the many stalls or grabbed a coffee for a long overdue catch up with a colleague. So, while we had an in-person Ard Fheis in 2021, it was great to be back to what felt like a “proper Ard Fheis” meeting with colleagues many of us had not seen since 2020. Free article
A vision of a new Ireland
24 November 2022

There were a range of Sinn Féin speakers including delegates, MLAs, TDs, MPs, and councillors who contributed at the Ard Fheis. Here we highlight edited summaries of a cross section of contributions. The full day’s proceedings are available to watch at the Sinn Féin website. Collectively, they unwrapped a vision of what Ireland could be, a new inclusive Ireland for all. Free article
People are looking for a new future
24 November 2022

The first meeting of Commission on the Future of Ireland was held in Belfast in October, with over 300 people attending, and further meetings are planned for December and throughout 2023. Sinn Féin National Chairperson Declan Kearney outlines the value the Commission’s discussions could have on shaping the future Ireland. Free article
Flawed credit scheme could exclude 1 in 3 renters
24 November 2022

With 400,000 people renting homes in the 26 Counties, Anna Carroll explores the limits and deficiencies of the proposed tax credit for renters announced in Budget 2023, highlighting the imbalances that put tax breaks for cuckoo funds and landlords ahead of the lost generation of renters that are trapped in a bind of high rents and fear of eviction. Free article
Let the people sing
24 November 2022

Every now and again, an occasion arises that propels a sometimes forgotten song or phrase back into being. Often these occasions can be sports events, from the rugby fans singing Pete St. John’s Gorta Mór song ‘The Fields of Athenry’ to ‘Sean South from Garryowen’ being belted out by fans of the Limerick GAA teams. Free article