Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

3 March 2013 Edition

Inside 16 Moore Street

3 March 2013

ARCHITECTS working with developer Chartered Land recently gave Dublin City Council’s Moore Street Advisory Committee access to the National Monument at 14 to 17 Moore Street, last headquarters of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic at Easter 1916. Free article

Cén chaoi gur tháinig Fianna Fáil ar ais?

3 March 2013

NÍ NACH íonadh tá ríméad ar Fhianna Fáil go leiríonn na pobalbhreitheanna go bhfuil an páirtí ar ais sa gcéad áit sa stát, agus meqarbhall ar thráchtairí polaitíochta faoi cén chaoi a tharla sé. Premium service article

Scotland: Impacting on the narrative of sectarianism

3 March 2013

THE Scottish Ministerial Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism, headed by Dr Duncan Morrow, the former chair of the NI Community Relations Council, is now entering its sixth month of activity. Whilst Dr Morrow hails from a well-trodden liberal path in the Six Counties, where deep-rooted political divisions are often dismissed as being of a religious and thereby ‘sectarian’ nature, his presence in Scotland and the group he chairs should not be entirely dismissed by republicans. Free article

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An Chinsireacht agus Cruinneshamhail na nÉireannach

3 March 2013

NÍ MÉ CÉARD a déarfadh an gnáth-Éireannach, más ann dó féin, dá gcuirfí an cheist air, an bhfuil mórán den chinsireacht i bhfeidhm sna 26 Chontae ó dheighilt na hÉireann i leith? Premium service article

What colour is the future?

3 March 2013

WATCHING ENGLAND beat Ireland in the Six Nations rugby international was not a pretty sight. But it wasn’t a completely wasted afternoon. Free article

Fianna Fáil – Not fit for government

3 March 2013

SO MÍCHEÁL MARTIN, flush with his recent opinion poll numbers, says he won’t form a coalition with Sinn Féin. Is he having a laugh? Does he really think that Sinn Féin is interested in participating in a government led by his party? Free article

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