Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

2 June 2013 Edition

The real cost of tax dodging

2 June 2013

Apple told the US Senate investigation that they negotiated a bargain basement tax deal with the Irish Government... It is governments who make the tax laws so it is governments who should take the blame Premium service article

Every week 10 people die by suicide 8 of them are men

2 June 2013

“BY THIS DAY NEXT WEEK, 10 people in Ireland will have died by suicide, and 8 of them will be men,” Joan Freeman of Pieta House tells An Phoblacht. It is this shocking statistic that brought the suicide and self-harm crisis centre to launch the ‘Mind Our Men’ campaign. Free article

An ‘Lucht Oibre Nua’?

2 June 2013

TÁ SCÉIM nua fógartha ag an Aire Stáit sa Roinn Iompar, Alan Kelly, maidir le bóithre tuaithe den tríú grád a dteastaíonn uasghrádú uathu - sin go gcuirfidh seisean roinnt airgead ar fáil, má dhéanann daoine obair dheonach ar na bóthre céanna, nó go n-íocann siad féin as cuid den obair. Is dóigh gurb é seo an leagan Éíreannach den ‘Lucht Oibre Nua’ - nó ‘New Labour’ - ach gur saothar gnáth shaoránaigh na tire atá i gceist, seachas athrú ar leagan amach a pháirtí féin. Premium service article

‘Uncomfortable Conversations’ have begun

2 June 2013

THE Progressive Unionist Party’s new document Transforming the Legacy (released on 22 April) is the first constructive response from unionism on the question of reconciliation. It is a response to Sinn Féin’s request for others to engage with the tortuous problems of how to deal with the past. Although constructed as a call to the loyalist base, it significantly touches one fundamental aspect of the reconciliation debate and any subsequent process: INCLUSIVITY. Free article

Back to black

2 June 2013

FIANNA FÁIL are back. The Irish mainstream news media have declared it. Though their return owes more to a Rocky movie plot than reality, here’s a spoiler alert – Fianna Fáil never went away. Premium service article

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Human cost of our cheap clothes

2 June 2013

An Phoblacht’s MARK MOLONEY spoke to KATE NOLAN of the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) in Ireland about the plight of garment workers South-East Asia and how the Rana Plaza disaster has put the spotlight on big brands exploiting cheap labour in Bangladesh. Free article

A life for Ireland

2 June 2013

JUNE 20th 2013 marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Theobald Wolfe Tone, the founder of Irish republicanism. Every year, republicans gather at his last resting place in Bodenstown, County Kildare, on the Sunday nearest his birthday. MÍCHEÁL Mac DONNCHA profiles Tone and his enduring influence throughout republican history up to today. Free article

Gaeilge láidir agus beo i Maigh Eo

2 June 2013

ARD FHEIS den chéad scoth a bhí ag Sinn Féin i gCaisleán an Bharraigh i mbliana - an ceann is mó agus is fearr riamh i dtuairim go leor, leor daoine. Bhí neart polaitíochta, díospóireachta, stair, polásaíthe dhá phlé (gan trácht ar an gcraic) ann agus is iomaí cúis agus saincheist tráthúil a bhí faoi chaibidil le linn an dá lá. Free article

Border Busters – Poll backs united Ireland

2 June 2013

THE GREAT EFFORT by the people of South Armagh and North Louth in organising the first-ever ‘People’s Referendum on Irish Unity’ paid off on Saturday 25 May when over a thousand people went out to cast their votes. Premium service article

Leas na mBanc taobh thiar den Ghéarchéim Tithiochta

2 June 2013

LUAITEAR deacrachtaí sa margadh tithíochta go minic mar shampla den chaoi a bhfuil an ghéarcheim eacnamaíochta ag cur rudaí as a riocht. Free article

An Phoblacht
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