Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

4 July 2016 Edition

John Owens, Swanlinbar, Cavan

4 July 2016

NEWS of the death of John Owens was received with great sadness in the Cavan and Fermanagh Border area as well as further afield. Free article

John Drumm, Teemore, Fermanagh, and Rush, Dublin

4 July 2016

IT was with deep and widespread shock and sadness that the news was received of the recent death of John Drumm at the age of 66 following a short period of illness. Free article

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Cruinniú na nGaeilgeoirí

4 July 2016

BHÍ CÚRSAÍ Gaeilge agus Gaelú Shinn Féin á bplé sna Solláin i gContae Chill Dara ar na mallaibh roimh an chomóradh i mBaile Uí Bhuadáin. Chuir Uachtarán Shinn Féin Gerry Adams TD fáilte roimh roinnt mhaith Gaeilgeoirí as ceantair éagsúla ar fud na tíre. Ag caint le An Phoblacht i ndiaidh an chruinnithe, dúirt Oifigeach Náisiúnta Gaeilge Johnny McGibbon: Free article

Get ready for the Brian Keenan Mountain Challenge

4 July 2016

BRIAN KEENAN was a legend. He still is, and his selfless commitment to the Irish Republican Army and his comrades continues to inspire and enthuse everyone taking part in the Annual Brian Keenan Mountain Challenge, which takes place along the Border in County Louth this year on Saturday 10 September. Free article

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1