20 January 2005 Edition
Ahern accusations "deeply damaging"
20 January 2005
Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams says he will challenge remarks Taoiseach Bertie Ahern made about republican involvement in the Northern Bank robbery when they meet next week. "In all of my dealings with the Irish Government before Bertie Ahern's time and during his tenure, we have dealt with him in a forthright and an honest way," said Adams. Free article
Stirring the pot
20 January 2005
It was all crisis in the headlines this week, sparked by PSNI Chief Constable Hugh Orde's assertion two weeks ago that the Northern Bank robbery was the work of the IRA. Subsequent clarification by the PSNI Detective Inspector actually in charge of the investigation, who when questioned more closely about the state of play admitted that the allegation was merely the Chief Constable's opinion and there was no evidence, did nothing to cool the enthusiasm of sections of the media. Free article
IRA leadership rejects Northern Bank accusations
20 January 2005
In a statement issued on Tuesday night, the leadership of Óglaigh na hÉireann made it absolutely clear that the army was not involved in the £26.5 million 20 December robbery of the Northern Bank in Belfast. Free article
The dogs have been unleashed
20 January 2005
Ian Paisley's desire to humiliate republicans scuppered all attempts to put together a comprehensive agreement prior to Christmas. Ever since, the two governments have been at pains to divert blame for the collapse on to republicans. Free article
History repeats itself
20 January 2005
In 1973, two self-proclaimed British spies, Keith and Kenneth Littlejohn, were convicted and jailed for a £67,000 armed robbery at a Dublin bank - it was at that time the biggest robbery to date in Irish history. Free article
An Céad - Towards a United Ireland
20 January 2005
The Round Room of the Mansion House was packed to the gills on Friday evening last as a year of celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of Sinn Féin was inaugurated. Among the guests were members of the diplomatic community and former Taoiseach Albert Reynolds, but the bulk of those present were the people who make up the backbone of Sinn Féin, our political activists young and old, inspired by the vision of the new Republic and motivated by the words and actions of the party leadership. Free article