2 November 2014 Edition
The HET – Historical failure to deal with state’s past
2 November 2014

THE NEWS at the very end of September that the largely discredited Historical Enquiries Team (HET) is to be jettisoned by the PSNI due to budget cuts may be of little concern to some (if not many) nationalists but cuts to the Police Ombudsman’s Office is a different case altogether. Premium service article
Filleann an Rialtas ar an bhFeall
2 November 2014

BHÍ ÍONADH beag ar lucht na Gaeilge ar fud na tíre nuair a d’fhógair an t-iar Aire Iompair, Leo Varadkar go raibh sé le coras nua comharthaíocht bhóithre a chur faoi thriail a chuirfeadh an Ghaeilge ar chómhchéim le Béarla. Premium service article
Brabach as fulaingt na dTeifeach
2 November 2014

TÁ SÉ CURTHA i leith comhalchtaí príobháideacha a ritheann ionaid do lucht iarrtha tearmann in Éirinn go bhfuil na céadta milliún euro dhá fháil acu ón stát agus nach bhfuil iniúchadh cuí dhá dhéanamh air. Premium service article
Seanad still synonymous with cronyism
2 November 2014

MORE THAN ONE YEAR on from the referendum to abolish the Seanad, there’s been no sign of the Fine Gael/Labour Government’s much-promised reform of how the upper house is elected and operates. Free article
Creating a way out of the frozen political landscape – Dr David Latimer, First Derry Presbyterian Church
2 November 2014

SETBACKS on the journey from a divided past to a shared future can, so easily, cause us to forget how different life actually is in Northern Ireland since the Good Friday Agreement was signed in 1998. Free article
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Ukraine – Odessa massacre survivor talks to An Phoblacht
2 November 2014

IN MAY of this year, a right-wing gang burned 48 people to death at a trade union building in the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa at the height of the Ukraine crisis. Free article
Border poll needs a wider canvass – By Mark Langhammer, Irish Congress of Trade Unions NI Committee member
2 November 2014

THE Scottish referendum has increased speculation about a Border poll here. Free article
Tough decisions – By Peter Bunting, Irish Congress of Trade Unions Assistant General Secretary
2 November 2014

SAMMY WILSON was on the radio again, talking about tough decisions. Sinn Féin’s Mitchel McLaughlin did not deserve to be the Speaker of the Assembly because his party was ‘incapable of taking tough decisions on welfare reform’. The DUP, on the other hand, could take tough decisions. That is why they were taking the tough decision to renege on an agreement about which MLA would replace the DUP’s Willie Hay as Speaker. Free article
The burning of Long Kesh, 1974
2 November 2014

THE BURNING of Long Kesh and the events of 15/16 October 1974 is one of the most significant events in the history of the conflict and republican prison struggle. Premium service article
What is justice?
2 November 2014

WHEN MY FATHER, Harry, was murdered in September 2007, my sisters and I felt as though we had stepped into an alternate reality. The safe walls of our home had been smashed down; we were set adrift without our anchor and had to find our own way back to reality and normality. Free article