Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

31 March 2005 Edition

DeLorean and Callaghan - Heroes and villains?

31 March 2005

Comparing the lives of Jim Callaghan and John DeLorean might seem strange; that they both died within a week of each other is merely coincidence, but in the context of Irish politics, their lives are very definitely interwined in life and death. Free article

Two days until Údarás na Gaeltachta elections: But what's it all about? BY MICHELLE BOYLE

31 March 2005

On Saturday 2 April the people of the Gaeltacht areas take pen to paper and decide who they want to represent them on the Board of Údarás na Gaeltachta, but, what's it all about, does it matter, and if elected what exactly does it mean? Free article

The 5th Column

31 March 2005

An Phoblacht's famous weekly satirical column. Read on... Free article

Dúirt Siad...

31 March 2005

The week in quotes. Free article

Mary MacSwiney, revolutionary - Remembering the Past

31 March 2005

On 27 March 1872, 133 years ago, Mary MacSwiney, revolutionary, was born in Surrey, England, of an Irish father and an English mother. Mary grew up in Cork and was educated as a teacher, like her mother and father. Free article

Slógadh Shinn Féin 2005

31 March 2005

Tharla Slógadh Shinn Féin 2005 i mbliana i nGaoth Dobhair ar an deireadh seachtaine 18ú - 20ú Márta. Bhí scoth den craic agus plé ag an ócaid le daoine ón tuaisceart agus an deisceart agus fearadh na fáilte romhainn ón phobal Gaeltachta áitiúil. Free article

Amadán Aibreáin

31 March 2005

Apparently there are Celtic, Roman and Christian foundations to celebrating April Fool's Day, writes AN DRAOI RUA Free article

An Phoblacht
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