16 April 2009 Edition
Joe Cahill Memorial tournament
16 April 2009
THE fifth Joe Cahill Memorial tournament took place last Saturday 11 April in Belfast. Held in the magnificent setting of Cardinal O'Donnell Park, home of the host club, off Belfast's Whiterock Road the tournament saw 8 U12 football teams from across the city take part. The tournament was instigated five years ago by the Gort na Mona Historical Society as a fitting memorial to one of Ireland's finest men, veteran IRA Volunteer Joe Cahill. Free article
McGuinness launches Ballagh 1916 signatories series at Stormont
16 April 2009
SINN FÉIN Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness MP MLA and prominent Irish artist Robert Ballagh, launched the first of seven pieces of art depicting the signatories of the 1916 proclamation at the Sinn Féin party room in Stormont, on Thursday 9 April. Also in attendance were be Irish born artist Brian O'Doherty (previously known as Paddy Ireland) and Barbara Novak, American art historian. Free article
Presentation to families of Belfast's Patriot Dead
16 April 2009
A presentation ceremony in An Culturlann Mac Adaim O'Fiaich, the Sinn Féin Mayor of Belfast, Tom Hartley, presented Easter Lilies to the families of Belfast's republican dead. In a poignant speech to the hundreds of family members, Hartley praised, "the courage and dignity of the families of our martyred dead" for the way in which they carried their loss over the years. Free article
'Ba chóir díriú ar stráitéis chun postanna a chruthú' - Ó Snodaigh
16 April 2009
Cháin an Teachta Aengus Ó Snodaigh an buiséad sa Dáil agus dúirt sé nach raibh an Rialtas i ndáiríre faoir postanne a chruthú. Ag labhairt sa Dáil ar an 8 Aibreán dúirt an Teachta Ó Snodaigh: "Bhí deis ag an Rialtas buiseád a chur chun cinn a dhéanfadh déileáil leis an gcruachás atá sa gheilleagar faoi láthair agus, chomh maith leis sin, bunús a chur leis an todhchaí atá muid ar lorg agus atá pobal na nÉireann ar lorg, sochaí ina bhfuil cothromas faoi bhun an chórais uilig, seachas an tslí a bhí an córas tógtha ó thús an Stáit, míchothrom agus ar mhaithe le lucht an rachmais nó tacathóirí Fhianna Fáil nó Fhine Gael, cé acu a bhí i réim, a fuair an buntáiste is mó ón Rialtas bliain i ndiaidh bliana. Free article