5 February 1998 Edition
RUC vendetta against Felons club
5 February 1998
``It is a disgrace,'' says Liam Shannon, manager of West Belfast's Felons Club, ``at a time when there is a murder campaign against nationalists, that the RUC are more interested in harassing the Felons Association than pursuing loyalist killers.'' Free article
Bloody Sunday buses attacked
5 February 1998
In three separate incidents, people returning to Belfast from the Bloody Sunday Commemoration in Derry on Sunday 1 February were attacked. Nationalists thought they had been fired on as Loyalists threw rocks at the buses. Free article
Horse owners protest at Leinster House
5 February 1998
HORSE owners were due to hold a protest at Leinster House this morning (Thusrday) over the implementation of legislation against horse ownership in Dublin. Free article
North Belfast Republicans threatened
5 February 1998
SINN Féin councillor Bobby Lavery has called on the RUC to explain publicly what the links between the UFF and the LVF are. Free article
Activism keynote of candidate
5 February 1998
SINN Féin has announced that Paul Donnelly will represent the party in the Dublin North by-election. Free article
SF candidate highlights growing health hazard
5 February 1998
THE Sinn Féin candidate in the Limerick East by-election has called for the city Corporation to adopt a new strategy to tackle the city's growing refuse problem. Free article
Enright memorial Black Mountain walk
5 February 1998
THREE WEEKS after the murder of community worker Terry Enright hundreds gathered at the foot of the Black Mountains to take part in a memorial walk across the mountains to Colin Glen. Free article
Our children, our magic
5 February 1998
FOUR DAYS of festive fun and magic are being lined up for youngsters in West Belfast this spring. The Draiocht children's arts festival organised by the West Belfast Feile team will run from 14 March and culminate in a city centre St Patrick's Day parade extravaganza. There are hundreds of workshops catering for children from three year olds and up, with excellent disability facilities on hand but NUMBERS ARE LIMITED, SO PEOPLE ARE ADVISED TO BOOK EARLY. Free article