Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

5 May 2005 Edition

Confident of success

5 May 2005

As we go to print, An Phoblacht can confidently predict that when the votes have been counted, Sinn Féin will be the story of the Westminster and Six-County local elections. In every election since the Good Friday Agreement, the party has increased its vote and its political strength. After Thursday, the number of MPs and Councillors will have grown. Free article

Well, it's almost over

5 May 2005

Well, it's almost over. Polling day, with its last-minute canvassing, frantic door knocking and fleets of cars ferrying voters to the polling booths, will soon have come and gone. The Westminster count begins almost immediately, while local council counts are waiting until Monday. In a few days time, all the speculation will have ended and the reality of Sinn Féin's increased electoral mandate will continue to shape the political future. Free article

Sinn Féin President attends Hunger Strike event

5 May 2005

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams was on Wednesday joined by former Blanketmen and Sinn Féin representatives for a short re-dedication ceremony at the Bobby Sands mural on the party's Sevastopol Street offices. The event came on the eve of the 24th anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands on Hunger Strike. Free article

Belfast political vetting row erupts

5 May 2005

As racist attacks on foreign nationals continue throughout the Six Counties, a row has erupted over the decision by the Office of the First and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) to withdraw funding from a West Belfast anti-racist group for the production of a welcome pack for ethnic communities. Free article


McDowell misrepresents Fullerton witness

5 May 2005

Further evidence on the 1991 assassination of Donegal Sinn Féin Councillor Eddie Fullerton came to light in a new television documentary aired last week. This came hot on the heels of an attempt by 26-County Justice Minister Michael McDowell to misrepresent issues by saying a key witness had changed his statement on what he knew about the murder. This was untrue. Free article

French referendum on a knife edge

5 May 2005

Spain has done it, Germany is weeks away and five other EU states have signed up, France is in the throes of a debate, yet in little Ireland we can't even agree the date to put our toe in the water and start talking about it, and people are beginning to notice. Last week Francoise Le Bail, an EU Commission spokesperson said that the Irish Government must hold a referendum on the EU constitution even if France votes no in its poll at the end of the month. Free article

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1