7 April 2022 Edition
I can still hear her voice
7 April 2022

‘On Dangerous Ground – a Memoir of the Irish Revolution’ by Máire Comerford, edited by Hilary Dully, had a special launch in Sandyford, County Dublin at the end of March. Máire lived in the village for many years and some of her old friends and neighbours attended the launch which was organised by the local Máire Comerford Sinn Féin Cumann and publishers Lilliput Press and was hosted by Sinn Féin representative Shaun Tracey. Speakers included Hilary Dully, Mary Lou McDonald, and historians Liz Gillis and Tim Pat Coogan. Attendance included Proinsias Ó Rathaille, grandson of The O’Rahilly, and Evelyn Campbell, who sang her song ‘Fenian Women Blues’. Rita O’Hare got to know Máire when she came to live in Dublin in 1972. Rita is a lifelong Republican activist and former political prisoner, whose roles within the Republican Movement included editor of An Phoblacht, Sinn Féin Director of Publicity, and the party’s North American representative.Here, she pays a personal tribute to Máire. Free article
'Good Old IRA' challenges Partition politics
7 April 2022

In the mid-1980s when I was in the Long Kesh prison camp, in the H Blocks, I found myself engaged in a conversation with a fellow Republican POW in which we assessed the task facing the Republican Movement at that time. Free article
Remembering the forgotten Denis Holland
7 April 2022

One of the joys of historical research, arguably the greatest joy, is the discovery of people buried in the thicket of the past who have not been given their due. So, I am delighted to exhume Denis Holland, who surely merits a prominent place in the republican pantheon. Free article
Operation Motorman – Another failed British strategy
7 April 2022

One of the largest military operations undertaken by the British Army since the end of the Second World War was mounted across the Six Counties on 31 July 1972. Danny Morrison writes 50 years after on the both the background to and days of what British military commanders codenamed ‘Operation Motorman’. Free article
The mandate that never was
7 April 2022

It has long been argued that the General Election of June 1922 was a ringing endorsement by voters in the 26 Counties for the Treaty and the Free State. But was that really the case, and did the election give the Free State government what it later claimed as a mandate to forcibly suppress their Republican opponents? Free article