Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

10 February 2005 Edition

The issue of apologising

10 February 2005

How does one define an apology? Is an apology meaningless if you qualify your expression of regret; or still adhere to the belief that what you did in the past was justified, thus reducing the apology to a gesture? Some of these issues were discussed the other morning on BBC Radio Ulster's Sunday Sequence. Free article

Fifteen stolen years

10 February 2005

Republicans who remember the story of the Guildford Four and the Maguire Seven, as well as the Birmingham Six and countless other British miscarriages of justice, will have seen this week's apology from Tony Blair to the family of Guiseppe Conlon for what it is - too little, too late. Free article

What's the new EU Constitution all about?

10 February 2005

In the first of a series of articles on the upcoming referenda on the proposed EU Constitution, Sinn Féin's Director of European Affairs Eoin O'Broin looks at the background, the timetable for ratification and the issues involved. Free article

Tóg go Bog é!

10 February 2005

The 'Tóg go bog é!' philosophy has become a bit of a luxury in modern day Ireland or is it that it's not quite understood, asks AN DRAOI RUA Free article

The 5th Column

10 February 2005

An Phoblacht's famous weekly satirical column. Read on... Free article

Frank Stagg dies on hunger strike - Remembering the Past

10 February 2005

On 12 February 1976, 29 years ago, Frank Stagg died on hunger strike in Wakefield jail in England. Frank Stagg, of Hollymount, County Mayo, came from a long line of Irish republicans. His father had fought in both the Tan War and the Civil War on the republican side. Free article

An Phoblacht
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