Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

4 August 1999 Edition

Blair holds the key

4 August 1999

Thirty years on from the burning of Belfast's Bombay Street, when the full sectarian force of the Orange state was unleashed on a defenceless nationalist population, the fundamental issues about the nature of society in the Six Counties have again been cast in stark relief. Free article

Healthcare market promotes inequality

4 August 1999

How are you feeling today? A little unwell maybe? Good, because a whole host of companies and organisations are waiting to profit from your illness. This is thanks to the dictats of the EU and the free market ideology that permeates the economies of Europe. Your sickness means you have entered the healthcare market. Free article

Nicaragua and Uganda - Unhappy anniversaries

4 August 1999

What is left of the spirit of the revolution in Nicaragua? Little or nothing, we can say. Free article

An Práta Beo!

4 August 1999

Is dócha gur thriail beagnach gach Gael in Éirinn cuid de phrátaí úra na bliana fán am seo ach an bhfuil stair an ghlasra céanna ar eolas againn? Free article

Sportsview: Armagh end 17-year wait

4 August 1999

The long wait for long suffering Armagh supporters is finally over. The Orchard county made the breakthrough for which they have been hungering since 1982, their last win in the Ulster title. Free article

Remembering the Past: The IRA and electoralism

4 August 1999

ALTHOUGH the IRA (or the Volunteers) supported Sinn Féin throughout their resurgence after the 1916 Easter Rising, they recognised the danger of Volunteers being distracted from the important work of reorganising, rearming, recruiting, and training which was underway. Free article

Back issue: Twenty years too long - Belfast mobilises

4 August 1999

Belfast's annual anti-internment demonstration has the theme `Demand Irish Freedom - Troops Out Now. Free article

New in print: `New unionists', racism and the RUC

4 August 1999

Rethinking Northern Ireland Edited by David Miller Published by Longman Free article

Television: Summertime blues

4 August 1999

Programmes reviewed: Knightrider (RTE) Cuimhní Ghaeltachta (Teilifis na Gaeilge) Free article

Dúirt siad...

4 August 1999

The week in quotes... Free article

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