26 March 1998 Edition
Sinn Féin launch public hearings
26 March 1998
Sinn Féin Vice President Pat Doherty has announced the holding of a number of public hearings in the coming months entitled ``Our Future - A United Ireland''. Free article
Survey indicts RUC
26 March 1998
Sectarian harassment within the RUC has increased during the current peace process, according to a survey compiled by the RUC themselves. The report, labelled `confidential' and entitled ``Religious and Political Harassment and Discrimination in the RUC'', recently came to light when Derry's civil rights watchdog, the Pat Finucane Centre published the survey on their internet web site. Free article
Two bomb attacks
26 March 1998
Forkhill RUC barracks in South Armagh was the scene of a mortar bomb attack on Tuesday evening 24 March. Up to four bombs were fired at the station with one exploding in the grounds of the RUC station. Local residents were evacuated but there were no injuries and no serious damage. The village of Forkhill is two miles from the Armagh border.l Free article
Larne Catholics burned out
26 March 1998
The latest sectarian attack in Larne took place on the McCorry home in the Craigyhill estate in the early hours of Saturday morning 21 March. Free article
UDA leads North Belfast attacks
26 March 1998
Last Monday's appearance in a Belfast court of six loyalists involved in an attempt to invade and burn down Catholic homes on the Limestone Road in North Belfast was the latest in a series of attacks in the flashpoint area. Free article
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Challenge to RUC inquiry
26 March 1998
There is to be a High Court challenge to the Independent Commission for Police Complaints (ICPC) investigation into the Derryhirk Inn shooting last March. Lawyers are seeking a judicial review of the ICPC's approval of the RUC's investigation into the incident when undercover RUC men opened fire on the bar. Free article
Seminar calls for release of prisoners
26 March 1998
An international seminar held at Westminster on Thursday 12 March to discuss the issue of prisoners as part of the current Stormont talks process, told the British Government that the release of all those imprisoned as a result of the conflict in the Six Counties had to be implemented as part of any lasting peace deal. Free article
NIO accepts liability
26 March 1998
Two NIO officials sent to investigate the deaths of livestock on a South Armagh farm saw at first hand the anger of local people at British army behaviour when they visited the area on Wednesday 18 March. Free article
Returning Officer refutes Attwood
26 March 1998
The Electoral Returning Office for Cavan/Monaghan has denied claims by the SDLP's Alex Attwood that there was electoral malpractice in the constituency in the June 1997 general election. Free article
Bloody Sunday hearings
26 March 1998
The panel set up to investigate the Bloody Sunday murders is due to make its opening statement a week on Friday 3 April, at the Guildhall in Derry. The trio of Lord Saville, New Zealander Sir Edward Somers and Canadian William Hoyt will then hold a press conference and visit the site of the killings. The full public hearings of the inquiry are due to start at the Guildhall in the Autumn. Free article