26 March 1998 Edition
Unite to defend Articles 2 & 3
26 March 1998
Irish people North and South must unite in the face of the latest onslaught against the sovereignty of Ireland and attacks on the rights of Irish citizens. Free article
Republicans would help Garvaghy people
26 March 1998
Addressing a rally organised by the Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition Sinn Fein's Francie Molloy promised that if the Coalition requested the help of republicans during this year's Drumcree Orange march then they would respond. Free article
Parades man was part of anti-republican strategy
26 March 1998
Revelations about Parades Commission appointee Aidan Canavan have further exposed the anti-nationalist ethos of the Commission. Free article
Murdered teenager's mother refutes British lies
26 March 1998
As Scots Guards Mark Wright and James Fisher, convicted of killing North Belfast teenager Peter McBride, appear in a Belfast court this week, the campaign to have the pair released gathers momentum. Free article
SF's Italian tour
26 March 1998
Lotta is the Italian word for struggle. It has formed the foundation of a rapidly growing Italian vocabulary amongst this Sinn Fein delegation. Free article
Truth Commission needed in England
26 March 1998
The BBC's Here and Now programme last week was devoted to Colin Parry, whose son Tim was killed in the Warrington bomb. Mr Parry is considering giving up his full time job as a personnel manager in order to set up a peace centre in Warrington. Such a centre, he claimed, would be modelled on peace camps he has organised in the Six Counties ``where young people can speak freely with friends and enemies in an atmosphere free from coercion''. Free article