Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

1 July 2014 Edition

‘Blame game’ politics are stopping progress – it’s time to move forward

1 July 2014

SEVENTIETH anniversary ceremonies to mark events that changed the direction of the Second World War have just concluded. Free article

Choosing our words carefully

1 July 2014

REV STEVE STOCKMAN, Minister of Fitzroy Presbyterian Church, Belfast, and Fr Martin J Magill, Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Parish, Belfast, penned a very interesting and challenging article in the June edition of An Phoblacht. Free article

Filleann Feall Mheiriceá ar na Meiriceánaigh san Iaráic

1 July 2014

TH’ÉIS DONA Meiriceánaigh na milliún a thabhairt do reibiliúnaithe san tSír, nach bhfuil se íorónta go bhfuil an t-airgead agus an t-armas sin dha n-úsáid ina aghaidh na Stát Aontaithe san Iaráic. Free article

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Where’s the Food Harvest? Going, going . . .

1 July 2014

Robert Allen on the road with the wandering minstrels who are Ireland’s food artisans Premium service article

The battle for hearts and minds

1 July 2014

IRELAND is missing from this year’s World Cup but Roy Keane still added his own little twist to proceedings. In the aftermath of England’s first round defeat to Italy, the media ‘blame game’ began. Keane was invited to comment on the inclusion of psychiatrist Dr Steve Peters in the England’s backroom team. Free article

Leading the charge

1 July 2014

STEPHEN O’KEEFFE’S heroic charging down of Anthony Nash in the Cork v Waterford replay forced the GAA’s hand in relation to the controversy surrounding the taking of penalties and close-in frees in hurling. Free article

An Phoblacht
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