Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

31 January 2008 Edition

'Collusion - search for truth is far from over' - Ó Caoláin

31 January 2008

The Fianna Fáil/PD/Green government this week finally held the Dáil debate on collusion long promised by Bertie Ahern. We carry here an edited version of the contribution by Sinn Féin Dáil leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin: Free article

SDLP out of touch as North's Programme for Government announced

31 January 2008

SINN FÉIN Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness and First Minister Ian Paisley jointly announced a three-year Programme for Government and a multi-billion pound Investment Strategy to the Six Counties Assembly on Monday. Free article

Sinn Féin sets out priorities for new Dáil term

31 January 2008

SINN FÉIN'S Oireachtas team - including the party's four TDs, Senator Pearse Doherty and Dublin MEP Mary Lou McDonald - met on Tuesday, 29 January, in advance of the resumption of the Dáil on Wednesday to discuss the party's political priorities over the coming weeks. Free article

Hain parades appointments were unlawful

31 January 2008

A decision by Peter Hain, when he was Britain's direct ruler in the Six Counties, to appoint two Orangemen to the North's Parades Commission was unlawful, according to a ruling issued today by Britain's Law Lords. Free article


SDLP blocks discussion on controversial electro-shock weaponsSDLP blocks discussion on controversial electro-shock weapons

31 January 2008

SINN FÉIN COUNCILLOR and DPP member Elisha McLaughlin has criticised SDLP Councillor and Chairperson of the Derry District Policing Partnership (DPP) Shaun Gallagher after her request to raise issues on the deployment of controversial Taser electroshock weapons by the PSNI was blocked at Friday's meeting. Free article

BLOODY SUNDAY - British Government should take responsibility

31 January 2008

THE Bloody Sunday Organising Committee has called for a major mobilisation for Derry this weekend to commemorate the massacre of 14 Civil Rights marchers by the Parachute Regiment on 30 January 1972 and "to stand with us in our efforts to achieve truth around the events of that day". Free article

De Brún calls for Climate Protection Bill

31 January 2008

CLIMATE CHANGE is not only the major political challenge of our time, Sinn Féin MEP Bairbre de Brún told a major meeting in Dublin this week, but it is also one of the greatest social, environmental and economic threats that society has experienced in recent history. To make sure that Irish society takes effective action to meet the challenges of climate change, she called for a Climate Protection Bill. Free article

An Phoblacht
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