9 August 2001 Edition
Historic IRA initiative
9 August 2001
As we go to print, An Phoblacht has received a statement from the leadership of Óglaigh na hÉireann, confirming that ``the IRA leadership has agreed a scheme with the IICD [Independent International Commission for Decommissioning] which will put IRA arms completely and verifiably beyond use''. Free article
Barrack Street residents demand security
9 August 2001
Residents of Lettuce Hill in West Belfast held a protest on Monday 6 August against ongoing loyalist attacks on their homes. They blocked off Barrack Street and Divis Street, two major arterial routes into Belfast City centre. Free article
Details of Cork councillor found in Antrim death list
9 August 2001
Details of Cork Sinn Féin Councillor Kieran McCarthy have been found in a house in North Antrim, it was revealed on Monday. Free article
Bloody Sunday soldiers must return to Derry
9 August 2001
The Bloody Sunday Tribunal has ruled that the soldiers who opened fire on civilians in Derry on Bloody Sunday, including members of the Parachute Regiment, must give their evidence in the Guildhall. Free article
Nationalists accuse Housing Executive
9 August 2001
Nationalist residents of a Toomebridge housing estate are accusing the Housing Executive of treating them as second class citizens. Free article
Remembrance Quilt launched at Féile
9 August 2001
Most of the squares carry images. Photographs imprinted onto cloth or faces drawn by children of a parent, not forgotten. Some squares carry a piece of significant material taken from a favourite tie, a wedding dress, or a football shirt. Sometimes embroidered, other times printed with names, dates, and messages of affection, kinship and loss. Some of the squares express anger and defiance, demanding truth and justice and some are just sad. Free article