Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

16 November 2000 Edition

No confidence in British

16 November 2000

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has accused the British government of lacking the political will to resolve the current crisis in the peace process caused by David Trimble's discriminatory actions against Sinn Féin ministers. In his strongest attack yet on Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson, Adams said that he had little confidence in the British government's management of the Peace Process and that Sinn Féin was taking ``imminent'' legal action to challenge the party's exclusion from all-Ireland Ministerial Council meetings. Free article

Patten has been ``gutted''

16 November 2000

One of the independent members of the Patten Commission, Dr Clifford Shearing, has comprehensively denounced the Police bill, which has just undergone its third reading in the House of Lords. Free article

Mac Cionnaith attacked by loyalists

16 November 2000

Garvaghy Road spokesperson Breandan Mac Cionnaith was attacked by a group of loyalists in a hotel in Bray, County Wicklow, where he was staying with friends at the weekend. Coincidentally, loyalists from Banbridge and Portadown were staying in the same hotel. Free article

Mandelson has flag case to answer

16 November 2000

Sinn Féin Equality spokesperson Michelle Gildernew, has welcomed the Belfast High Court decision last Thursday, 9 November, granting Sinn Féin Newry and Armagh Assembly member Conor Murphy leave to apply for a judicial review of Peter Mandelson's decision to issue regulations on the flying of flags over government buildings. Free article


Extradition proceedings dropped

16 November 2000

Sinn Féin Councillor Martin Ferris has welcomed the announcement that the Dublin government will not be pursuing the extraditions of Angelo Fusco and Paul Magee. Free article

Vincent McKenna jailed

16 November 2000

Vincent McKenna was led away to Mountjoy jail this week after being convicted of sexual abuse against his daughter. It was an infamous end to an infamous career of a man branded by the family he persecuted as a serial liar and control freak. Free article

An Phoblacht
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