Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

16 November 2000 Edition

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Extradition proceedings dropped

Sinn Féin Councillor Martin Ferris has welcomed the announcement that the Dublin government will not be pursuing the extraditions of Angelo Fusco and Paul Magee.

Cllr. Ferris said: ``The decision not to pursue extradition warrants against Angelo Fusco and Paul Magee is welcome and will undoubtedly come as a relief to them and their families who have lived with the threat of extradition for many years.

``Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, political extradition caused major controversy and saw the authorities in this State trample on the rights of citizens to secure extradition at Britain's behest. We have a right to expect that these days are over and that the government will now end its pursuit of all those facing extradition on political charges.''

Louth Councillors call to release Castlerea Five

Sinn Féin Councillor Arthur Morgan last week led a delegation of Louth councillors to meet with republican prisoners in Castlerea jail to discuss the current political situation. Following the visit they called for the immediate release of the Castlerea Five.

Also on the delegation were Sinn Féin councillors Kevin Meenan, Sean Kenna and Jim Gavin and party representative for Mid Louth Pearse McGeough.

Speaking after the visit, Councillor Morgan said:

``During the course of the meeting, there was a broad discussion on the peace process and current difficulties caused by the attitude and behaviour of the UUP and the British government.

``Among other issues discussed were ongoing efforts to get the Dublin government to fulfill its commitments under the Good Friday Agreement and release the republican prisoners still imprisoned in this state. The remaining republican prisoners in Castlerea should have been released already under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. Sinn Féin will continue to press for their immediate release.''


An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1