6 February 1997 Edition
'No apology, no inquiry'
6 February 1997
Barely 24 hours after the largest demonstration that Derry has ever seen, the British government gave its formal reply to the 40,000 marchers' call for the truth of Bloody Sunday to be known. Free article
Call for pressure on Germany over Roisín McAliskey
6 February 1997
Roisín McAliskey is being strip-searched daily in an English jail, it was revealed at a packed public meeting in Dublin on Tuesday night. Several hundred people crowded into the main hall in the Teacher's Club to hear Bernadette McAliskey speak of the bizarre frame-up and extradition attempt which has seen her six-months pregnant daughter held as a Special Category A prisoner in Holloway. Free article
Portlaoise protest for equality of treatment
6 February 1997
All 38 republican prisoners in Portlaoise have embarked on a non-cooperation protest to demand equality of treatment for the four prisoners serving mandatory 40-year sentences (usually known as the ``40-year men''). Free article
British Government bins North
6 February 1997
Just hours after the findings of the North Commission on Parades and marches in the Six Counties was released the British government shelved its most important recommendations. Free article
SF at Clinton speech
6 February 1997
Speaking to An Phoblacht from Washington DC minutes after she attended the State of the Union address delivered by President Bill Clinton, Mairead Keane, Sinn Féin's Representative for North America said that Clinton assured his listeners, who included all the members of the Congress and Senate as well as judges of the Supreme Court that ``America has to continue taking risks for peace, whether it be in the Middle East or Northern Ireland''. Free article
Escape trial prisoners abused at Whitemoor
6 February 1997
Two of the six prisoners whose trial on charges relating to the Whitemoor breakout collapsed at the end of January, have been taken back to Whitemoor and threatened by prison officers, according to solicitor Gareth Peirce. Free article