1 September 2014 Edition
Parnell press and Frank Aiken
1 September 2014
Mr Parnell’s Rottweiler: Censorship and the United Ireland Newspaper, 1881-1891. By Myles Dungan. Irish Academic Press and Frank Aiken: Nationalist and Internationalist. Edited by Bryce Evans and Stephen Kelly. Irish Academic Press Premium service article
Resurgent republicanism
1 September 2014
TWO THOUSAND republicans will gather in Derry next March for the annual Sinn Féin Ard Fheis. It may be the first time Derry has hosted the Ard Fheis but it is certainly not the first time the city has hosted such a large gathering of republicans. Free article
Escalating war and preparing revolution
1 September 2014
THE OUTBREAK of the First World War had a profound effect on Ireland. Republicans and advanced nationalists prepared to make “England’s difficulty Ireland’s opportunity”. The Home Rule party began recruiting for the British Army, and the Irish Volunteers split. To give a sense of the pace of events we present them in chronological order. Free article
The right to remember
1 September 2014
RECENTLY I have been considering what motivated an estimated 210,000 Irishmen to enlist in the British Army during the First World War. It is a question that has exercised minds in Ireland for many years, perhaps more so recently in the context of the upcoming centenary commemorations. Free article