19 October 2006 Edition
Governments proposals - Detail still being worked out
19 October 2006
In the wake of the recent round of political negotiations in Scotland and proposals from the Irish and British Governments for the full restoration of political institutions of the Good Friday Agreement, An Phoblacht spoke to Sinn Féin Chief Negotiator MARTIN McGUINNESS about the latest developments in the Peace process. Free article
Shell to Sea - Dublin activist calls for increased solidarity action
19 October 2006
Last week a group of Shell to Sea protestors, opposed to the Corrib gas pipeline in County Mayo, occupied the headquarters of Shell Ireland in Dublin. Some of the protestors took over the lobby of the building while others climbed onto the roof. Free article
The Mary Nellis Column
19 October 2006
History is littered with reports and inquiries set up by the British for their atrocities in Ireland. All have been cover-ups of state terror. We should have learned way back in the days of Cameron and Scarman and Widgery and Bennett, that murder, torture and character assassination are nothing new in the context of British rule in Ireland. Free article
Media View
19 October 2006
The high point of the last week's media coverage was undoubtedly that incredible, arrogant editorial from The Irish Times bemoaning the fact that, despite the Times' best efforts, an ungrateful people had chosen the wrong option. At least "we know," Madam Editor intoned, "what kind of people we are." Free article
Opinion polls - 57% of voters think next election doesn't matter
19 October 2006
Everyone knows there will not be an election tomorrow, or in the coming months, but we do know that the public will be subjected to a growing barrage of opinion polls in newspapers and TV media, but to what end who is benefiting? Free article
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Multinationals - No strategy to reduce overdependence
19 October 2006
The 26 Counties remains highly dependent on foreign multinationals. There is no strategy to reduce this overdependence by developing our indigenous industries. The Government has pinned its aspirations for the future of the economy on maintaining a low-tax regime that is attractive to foreign, and in particular US, multinationals. It has disregarded the fact that this dependence leaves the state particularly vulnerable in the event of global economy downturns, downturns in the United States and even to US legislative developments. Free article
Dá Acht - Sprioc amháin
19 October 2006
Fuair mé téacs ó chara liom ag an deireadh seachtaine ag insint dom go raibh cath mór a bhí pobal na Gaeilge ag troid, agus i lár ullmhúcháin don chéad bhabhta eile, go raibh sé buaite agus Acht Gaeilge faighte againn mar chuid d'idirbheartaíochtaí Chill Aindreasa! Free article
19 October 2006
Rotha mór an tsaoil. Ag fás aníos i gContae an Chláir ní raibh dúil ar bith againn i lúthchleasaíocht ach amháin an té nach raibh in ann iomáint a imirt. Free article