Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

15 June 2006 Edition

Unionist violence: Call for unity against the bigots

15 June 2006

Sinn Féin Councillor Billy Leonard recently wrote to all the political parties on Coleraine Borough Council calling on them to join him in an initiative aimed at reducing sectarian tensions in the town. Here, Billy Leonard speaks to An Phoblacht's PEADAR Ó FAOLÁIN about the events in the small town that prompted his decision to directly address unionist politicians. Free article

Mitchell McLaughlin Column

15 June 2006

The evidence of partition's failure is mounting. Hardly a week passes without some industrialist, economist, politician or entrepreneur making a keynote address extolling the virtues of all-Ireland economics and infrastructural development. Promoting an all-Ireland approach in areas such as health care, education, transport, environment and energy is also an increasingly frequent occurrence. Free article

The Matt Treacy Column

15 June 2006

While no doubt some of you spent last weekend watching grown men with dubious hairstyles diving and rolling around on the grass, not all of us could get into the Tyrone training sessions. God, I crack myself up sometimes. Seriously you know what I mean and I am very disappointed in you all. It will not be mentioned here again. Free article

TV reviews: Documentaries on the making of The Wind that Shakes the Barley and exiled drug barons

15 June 2006

Hidden History, RTE 1 Tuesday, 13 June. Pat Collins, Producer/Director, Harvest Films and Prime Time Investigates: The Irish Connection. RTÉ 1 Monday, 12 June. Free article

Media View by John O'Brien

15 June 2006

That was heart-rending stuff from Stephen Collins in last weekend's Irish Times. Poor Michael McDowell, with the "Opposition parties scenting blood" in "an example of adversarial politics at its brutal best!" 'Bad show, chaps' seems to sum up Collins' attitude. Free article

Cúlchaint le Seán ó Donaile

15 June 2006

Thit mé I laige aréir ag féachaint ar Brazil agus na Croats, agus iad ag póg a chéile agus ag luí ar an talamh ag cuimilt a nglúin. Nuair a bhaineann tú an 'hype' ar fad a chruthaíonn na meain cumarsaide thart air tá sé ionatch leadránach, agus níl móran ag tarlú san iomaint agus 'bogball' faoi láthair. Free article

Remembering the Past

15 June 2006

On the 10 June 1981, eight republican prisoners on remand in Belfast's Crumlin Road jail shot their way to freedom from one of the most heavily guarded prisons in Europe, in one of the most daring IRA escapes ever. The men came out the way they went in - through the front gate. Free article

Fifth Column

15 June 2006

An Phoblacht's famous weekly satirical column. Free article

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1