15 June 2006 Edition
Nuacht na nOibrithe
15 June 2006
Nurses rally in huge numbers, Crowe challenges An Post, Movement on domestic workers welcomed, Do as we say, not as we do - Big Business and Improved rates for security workers Free article
International: PACE report - Fourteen states linked to US "spider's web" and Intenational News in Brief
15 June 2006
On Wednesday 7 June 2006, the Legal Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) announced that its investigation confirmed that the US has woven a clandestine "spider's web" of disappearances, secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers with the collaboration or tolerance of 14 Council of Europe member states, among them the 26 Counties. Free article
Derry rallies against thugs
15 June 2006
Residents of a Derry housing estate held a rally on Monday 12 June in support of a community worker, brutally beaten last weekend. Free article
Recruitment drive in Belfast
15 June 2006
Aimed at building the party and reflecting its appeal across all walks of life a new Sinn Féin recruitment campaign was launched in Belfast on Tuesday 13 June with the publication of three eye-catching posters. Free article
Housing: Negative effects of the Celtic Tiger impact across border
15 June 2006
The 26-Counties is not the only region experiencing a housing boom, a 25% increase in average Six-County house prices in the 12 months to the end of March, shows that some of the negative effects of the Celtic Tiger are now impacting across the border. Free article
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Spórt agus Polaitíocht - An Chraobh Dhomhanda
15 June 2006
Deirtear nach meascann spórt agus polaitíocht, agus go hiondúil, sin mar a mhaíonn tráchtairí lagmheasartha den chuid is mó. Ach ní amhlaidh atá fíor. Ceann de na fáthanna is mó ghabhann lucht féachana na Cruinne an-spéis sa Chraobh Dhomhanda Shacair ná na coimhlintí idir tíortha éagsúla, idir córais ídé-eolaíochta éagsúla, idir an Domhan Saibhir agus an Tríú Domhan, idir ciní daonna éagsúla agus mar sin de. Chomh maith leis na coimhlintí polaitiúla éagsúla, tá spéis fhíréanta ann cinnte don spórt é féin, d'fhoirne idirnáisiúnta agus do shárimreoirí ar leith. Free article
Scotland remembers Connolly and the Hunger Strikers
15 June 2006
Last Saturday over 10,000 people marched through Glasgow to honour the sacrifice of the 1981 Hunger Strikers. People travelled from throughout Scotland to participate in the biggest ever republican march to be held in the country. Free article
Morrison praises the 'Risen People' at commemoration
15 June 2006
A large crowd attended the opening of a new memorial garden on Sunday, 4 June dedicated to those republican activists from the mid Falls area who died in the course of the present phase of the struggle for national liberation. Free article
Fógraí bháis
15 June 2006
Veteran republican Frank Morris died peacefully at his Donegal home on Sunday, 4 June after a long illness. He was 86. A large crowd attended the funeral in County Donegal. Free article
In Brief
15 June 2006
Progress on Orange 'Tour of the North', Arming of prison warders fuels collusion fears, DUP foster sectarianism, SF Mayor in Carrickmacross, Refuse airspace to CIA planes and Upsurge in sectarian attacks Free article