Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

16 October 2003 Edition

Comic Relief witch-hunt no laughing matter

16 October 2003

Unionist politicians and the British press are raging about Comic Relief's recent £80,000 donation to republican ex-prisoner group Tar Isteach for youth development work in North Belfast, and are doing their utmost to pressure the charity to pull the promised funding. The criticism could not only damage the reputation of the well-respected charity, it may also deter Comic Relief from considering future funding for Tar Isteach and other groups alleged to be controversial by right-wing fundamentalists. Free article

The Great Experiment

16 October 2003

I see the ongoing revolution in Ireland as an amazing, extraordinary, path breaking project on the world stage of the struggle for justice. However, I am not sure that everyone sees it like this. This article is to explain, and put the amazing events of the last 30 years in context - so that we can stand back and see the wood for the trees. BY MARTINA ANDERSON Free article

Housing right should be constitutionally enshrined

16 October 2003

The seminar Housing is a Right Not a Privilege, which Dublin Sinn Féin organised last Saturday in Wynn's Hotel, was something of a first. It brought together representatives from several different housing organisations and groups, along with a large number of Sinn Féin activists, to address the appalling housing crisis in the state and what should be done about it. Free article

Spioraid Uisce

16 October 2003

AN DRAOI RUA gives an account of some of the spirits that are to be found near water. Perhaps it may serve as a warning to those who might pollute. Free article

The Fifth Column

16 October 2003

An Phoblacht's weekly satirical column Free article

Remembering Sheena Campbell

16 October 2003

A tribute to Sheena Campbell , a young mother and leading Sinn Féin activist shot dead by a unionist assassin on 16 October 1992 Free article

Peadar O'Donnell on stage

16 October 2003

The life and times of Peadar O'Donnell, republican activist and soldier, socialist, campaigner for workers' rights and prolific writer, narrated by Derry-based singer Joe Mulheron, was both inspiring and entertaining while never losing sight of O'Donnell's humanity. Free article

Thomas Russell (1767-1803)

16 October 2003

EWAN MORGAN writes on the bicentenary of the execution of a United Irishman Free article

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1