7 February 2002 Edition
7 February 2002
In the concluding part of An Phoblacht's two-part special on the daring escape of seven IRA prisoners from the Maidstone prison ship in January 1972, Belfast man PETER ROGERS tells JIM GIBNEY of the IRA group's swim to freedom through the freezing waters of Belfast Lough and their subsequent adventures as they succcessfully evaded capture in a double decker bus to make good their escape. Free article
New law against Death Fasts in Turkey
7 February 2002
This week, the Turkish Parliament is to introduce new regulations which will legally oblige prison administrations to stop a death fast. Prison administrations will be obliged "to return them to life", to intervene by force without needing to consider "whether the prisoner is conscious, or whether a doctor gives his consent or approval". Free article
Bush as Smacht go fóill
7 February 2002
Tá a fhios againn cheana féin go bhfuil George W. Bush as a mheabhair agus go bhfuil claonadh aige fadhbanna a chruthú in ionad a réiteach. Is cosúil gur mhaith l'údarás Bush an domhan ar fad a choinneáil faoi smacht agus na buamaí is mó acu. B'fhearr leo an lámh láidir a úsáid in ionad deacrachtaí polaitiúla a phlé. Tá gach cuma ar chúrsaí go bhfuil liosta ollmhór naimhde á chruthú sa dóigh is go dtig le Meiriceá a bheith i mbun cogaidh go deo. Bhuel, sin an méid a bhí le tuiscint i ndiaidh óráid s'aigesean 'The State of the Union'. Free article
The rare aul' times
7 February 2002
Dublin through Space and Time Edited by Joseph Brady and Anngret Simms. Published by Four Courts Press €19.95 paperback (or €45 hardback) Irish Days: Oral histories of the twentieth century by Margaret Hickey. Published by Kyle Cathie Ltd €25 hardback Free article