Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

20 November 1997 Edition

US threat to Cuba grows

20 November 1997

These are good times to be an armchair warlord in Washington. While US forces in the Gulf flex their muscles, the men who foment conflict are busy acclimatising US public opinion to the notion of direct military action against Cuba. Free article

Fíorlaochra an Chéad Chogadh Domhanda

20 November 1997

Léiriú maith é ar bhanchbhristeacht mhorálta nua-aontachtaithe Thriantán Dhomhnach Broc na himeachtaí atá ar bun acu rómánsaíocht a athchruthú faoin Chéad Chogadh Domhanda agus páirt na nEireannach ann. Tá sé mímhacánta amach is amach a bheith ag teacht i dtír ar na hainniseoirí bochta a fuair bás sa chogadh sin le hiar-Bhriotanachas a chur chun cinn. Free article

Workers in struggle: McCreevy's mind games

20 November 1997

It's budget time again and now with the demise of our rugby and soccer teams it is time to turn to a more dependable national pastime, that of predicting the details of the 1998 spending and taxation plans of the Fianna Fail/Progressive Democrat coalition. Free article

Sportsview: There's always another day

20 November 1997

Despite its nine-year vintage, `'Who put the ball in the English net?'' is as familiar a cry to Irish soccer supporters today as it was when Ray Houghton headed the ball over Peter Shilton's despairing reach in Stuttgart during Euro `88. Free article

Remembering the Past: British Intelligence wiped out

20 November 1997

On the morning of Sunday 21 November 1920 the IRA carried out one of its most successful operations. The British secret service in Ireland was decimated when 13 senior intelligence officers were executed and many more fled into Dublin Castle. Free article

Back issue: Death of a Butcher

20 November 1997

In executing a UVF leader Lennie Murphy, the `Master Butcher', on Tuesday evening, the IRA has eliminated a sadistic killer who claimed his last victim, Joseph Donegan, less than one month ago. Free article

New in print

20 November 1997

Mary Robinson - An Independent Voice and Michael Collins: The Secret File Free article

Television: Shoot to kill in Kerry

20 November 1997

Coming to terms with our past has never been easy for us Irish especially with our colonial heritage and the cloud of self censorship permanently hovering, but last week's RTE documentary Ballyseedy was a serious attempt to honestly address the trauma of the Civil War. Free article

Editor's desk

20 November 1997

Our quaint friends in the Daily Telegraph reported on Lee Clegg's latest appeal this week. They wrote: ``The proceedings were halted briefly when republican protestors raised banners and shouted anti-English slogans before being ejected.''

The bounders! Anti-English? Only if you consider ``Clegg Out! All Out!'' and ``Free the POWs!'' to be anti-English.


But the Daily Telegraph's... Free article

Dúirt siad...

20 November 1997

The week in quotes... Free article

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