1 December 2013 Edition

The Hidden Ireland in Liverpool

1 December 2013

Book Review: A Hidden History – Irish in Liverpool – An Ghaeilge i Learpholl. By Tony Birtill Free article

Language, resistance and revival: The importance of culture in struggle

1 December 2013

PEADAR WHELAN, a former political prisoner who learned much of his Irish in Long Kesh, opens up a challenging debate on the back of the recent publication of Feargal Mac Ionnrachtaigh’s new book, Language, Resistance and Revival: Republican Prisoners and the Irish Language in the North of Ireland. The subject of the book is the revival of the Irish language and the importance of the republican prisoners in that revival but, Peadar Whelan argues, it develops “a polemic around resistance and revival tied into our struggle against Britain’s rule in our country over the centuries”. Premium service article

A history of imprisonment and escape

1 December 2013

GERRY KELLY tells An Phoblacht’s PEADAR WHELAN why he decided to put pen to paper to tell the real inside story of ‘The Great Escape’ from the H-Blocks of Long Kesh in September 1983. Premium service article

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1