31 May 2007 Edition

A fight to the finish in Dublin South Central

31 May 2007

As Sinn Féin activists watched the Dublin South-Central boxes open in the RDS on Friday morning, it quickly became clear the party was going to have a fight on it's hands to re-elect Justice spokesperson Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD. Free article

Older People suffering fuel poverty

31 May 2007

Newry/Armagh MLA Mickey Brady Sinn Féin Spokesperson on Older People in the Six County Assembly, has said that households headed by older people are more likely to suffer from fuel poverty. Free article

International : Democracy Spanish style

31 May 2007

If the calculation made by Herri Batasuna's spokesperson Pernando Barrena is correct and the future of the Basque peace process was actually dependent on the number of votes that the Basque pro-independence movement could win in local government elections, then a resolution of the conflict in the Basque Country is close at hand. Free article

Laochra Loch Laoi

31 May 2007

Chuala mé scéal iontach ar na mallaibh faoi roinnt Gaeilgeoirí i mBéal Free article

Nuacht na nOibrithe

31 May 2007

SIPTU calls for stronger enforcement of safety standards, Dublin Airport row resolved and IMPACT says private sector pay growing faster than public sector Free article

Restoration of child benefit must be priority for next government

31 May 2007

At the Annual General Meeting of the European Anti Poverty Network (Ireland) in Dublin last week, delegates voted unanimously to support the campaign to restore universal child benefit in Ireland, launched by the network of Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) in November. Free article

Volunteer Martin Doherty remembered

31 May 2007

The annual Volunteer Martin Doherty Commemoration was in attended by in excess of 200 republicans from Finglas and across Dublin on Saturday, 26 May. The commemoration which marked the 13th anniversary of Martin Doherty's death proceeded along the usual route assembling at the Dick McKee Memorial in Finglas Village before proceeding to Glasnevin Cemmetary. Free article


31 May 2007

Participants photographed at the Wolfe Tone Monument, Donegal after completing a sponsored walk to begin a series of fundraising events for the Annual Eamonn ‘Bronco’ Bradley Memorial Cup, football competition. Other forthcoming events which are always quite well supported and attended in tribute to ‘Bronco’ will include an Evening at the Races followed by a Karaoke. These events... Free article

Cairde Sinn Féin annual dinner and auction

31 May 2007

Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald, Bairbre de Brún and Paul Maskey MLA at the Cairde Sinn Féin (Belfast), annual dinner and auction held in the Europa Hotel Belfast, Saturday 26 May

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Dublin 1