31 May 2007 Edition

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Volunteer Martin Doherty remembered

Volunteer Martin Doherty

Volunteer Martin Doherty

The annual Volunteer Martin Doherty Commemoration was in attended by in excess of 200 republicans from Finglas and across Dublin on Saturday, 26 May.  The commemoration which marked the 13th anniversary of Martin Doherty’s death proceeded along the usual route assembling at the Dick McKee Memorial in Finglas Village before proceeding to Glasnevin Cemmetary.  
At the Graveside proceedings were chaired by Niall Connolly who spoke of his experience of comradeship and activism through his involvement in the election campaign of Sinn Féin Councillor Dessie Ellis in Dublin North West.  He spoke of his pride at being involved in an election campaign with so many young dedicated republican.  Wreaths were laid at the graveside by members of the Doherty family as well as by Dublin Sinn Féin Chair Michael Carr and by members of the Ellis family.
The main speaker was Dublin MEP Mary Lou Mc Donald who reflected on the election results from the previous day and said that while republicans were disappointed with the results in the short term they owed it to those who had given so much in the past to pick themselves up and prepare for the next phase of struggle. “Volunteers like Martin Doherty paid the ultimate sacrifice for this struggle. The current generation of republicans owe it to such people to be victorious in this phase of struggle”, she said.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1