5 April 2001 Edition
Are we out of touch?
5 April 2001
Last Saturday, young people reproached the republican leadership. They asked them where they get off being so full of their opinions. Why don't they ask young people what they want? Why sometimes, are they not relevant to young people? Free article
Sinn Féin confident of first Larne seat
5 April 2001
Loyalist hegemony in Larne is about to suffer its first major blow since the election of Independent Nationalist councillor John Turnley in the 1970s, as Sinn Féin attempts to win its first seat on the council in June's local government election. Free article
Developing a revolutionary perspective
5 April 2001
Declan Kearney gave an exciting talk to a recent Tar Isteach meeting in Dublin about the present phase of our struggle and its development. Free article
Loyalists kill one, injure others
5 April 2001
A series of loyalist attacks over the weekend left one man dead and a number of other people, including a 51-year-old woman, seriously ill in hospital. Free article
Assembly backs minimum wage
5 April 2001
Sinn Féin Assembly Economy spokesperson Dara O'Hagan has welcomed the Assembly backing of a minimum wage of at least £5 per hour. Free article
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Policing propaganda cuts no ice
5 April 2001
Sinn Féin has accused the British government of using the policing issue as propaganda, following the release of information to the media this week regarding recent applications to the RUC. Free article
Jailed RIR man's Neo-Nazi links
5 April 2001
A former British soldier arrested and questioned about the killing of Lurgan solicitor Rosemary Nelson was sentenced to nine years imprisonment for possessing weapons on Wednesday 4 April. Free article
Adams to perform tree planting ceremony
5 April 2001
Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams will plant 12 trees in memory of each of the hunger strikers who have died during the course of the past 30 years of conflict, from Michael Gaughan in 1974 to Michael Devine in 1981. Free article
State racism shames us all
5 April 2001
Campaigners against the racist policies of Fianna Fáil picketed Bertie Ahern's constituency office in Drumcondra last Wednesday, 28 March. The picket was to mark the occasion exactly a year ago when eleven anti-racist campaigners had occupied Bertie Ahern's office to protest the measures his coalition government was threatening to introduce. Free article
ESB privatisation opposed
5 April 2001
The supply of adequate electricity is a major problem for the border region, according to Cavan/Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin. He was speaking in a Dáil debate last week which highlighted the need for further electricity generating capacity, particularly to regions outside Dublin which are at a disadvantage in terms of attracting high technology industry. Free article