6 January 2000 Edition
Hawkes Bay must meet obligations
6 January 2000
Sinn Féin Councillor Arthur Morgan has urged the Dublin government to ensure that plant machinery and stock at Ardee's Hawke's Bay denim clothing factory are not removed until the company meets its obligations to the 300 employees. Free article
Basque trade unionists visit Ireland
6 January 2000
A progressive trade union, anti the European Union's economic and monetary policies, active on social political and economic issues, with a thriving youth section and leading the campaign for a 35-hour week and a social wage - I had to pinch myself. Free article
Scotland's neglected Irish community
6 January 2000
At the end of the Tan War, Eamon de Valera stated that the exiled Irish community of one country had been THE vital logistical base for the War against British rule in Ireland. In fact, this country, he said, had made a bigger financial contribution to the Irish republican war effort than all the other countries put together. Free article
De Brún pledges funds for flu crisis
6 January 2000
Six-County Health minister Bairbre de Brún has vowed that any additional cash needed by health boards to cope with the worst flu epidemic to hit the north in years will be found. Free article
Urgent action needed for border region
6 January 2000
Sinn Féin TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has said that urgent government action is needed to reverse the neglect of the border region as revealed in the latest IDA employment figures. Free article
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Victory in survival
6 January 2000
Liam O Duibhir served terms of imprisonment in Portlaoise Prison in the 1980s and in various prisons across England in the 1990s before being repatriated back to Portlaoise in 1994. Free article
South Armagh community gets cross-border support
6 January 2000
A delegation from the South Armagh Farmers and Residents Committee, which campaigns for an end to British militarisation, made a presentation at the monthly meeting of Monaghan County Council on Tuesday, 4 January. Free article
Unionists block St Patrick's Day Carnival
6 January 2000
Sinn Féin President and West Belfast MP Gerry Adams has described the decision taken by Belfast City Council on Tuesday 4 January to refuse funding to the St Patrick's Day Carnival Committee as ``a step back to the dark days of unionist misrule and domination''. Free article
High Court disarray over Queen's oath
6 January 2000
A judicial review sought by barristers Seamus Tracey and Barry MacDonald cannot be heard by Belfast's High Court judges because they have already formed a view on the matter to be brought before them. Free article
`No' unionists behind school protests
6 January 2000
Barry McElduff, Sinn Féin Assembly member for West Tyrone, has slammed the political opportunism of the anti-Agreement unionists in using and abusing schoolchildren for their own narrow political agenda. Free article